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Jieun sighed when she left the exam room, heart heavy with the anxiety and guilt of missing a few questions

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Jieun sighed when she left the exam room, heart heavy with the anxiety and guilt of missing a few questions.

She knew she could have done better and a frown was etched on her face as she walked outside into the car park.
"Hey baby, how did it go?" Renjun asked with a smile.

Jieun shrugged and snaked her arms around his waist.
"I don't know 'm tired." She mumbled against his chest and Renjun laughed- running his fingers through her hair.

"Okay sleeping beauty, let's get you home."


They both reached Jieun's house, unlocking it and she burst through the doors in relief, dropping her bags and coat- pulling off her shoes as she ran upstairs, in need of her bed.

Renjun shook his head at her antics and walked into the kitchen to grab a few snacks to take up and once he reached her room the girl was already snuggled under the covers.

"Are you staying?" She asked softly, eyes drooping and the boy nodded, turning off her light and putting on the lamp on her bedside table.

"You have a present by the way, from some girl I forgot her name."
"Hm? Oh I'll open it later just come and cuddle." She whined, patting the space next to her.

Renjun smiled and pulled the hem of his shirt over his head and slid in next to the girl under the covers- her instantly cuddling into his side.

"You know," she began drowsily, her hand grazing up and down his back and he let her- no longer flinching at the touch.

"Hm?" He hummed as she pressed a kiss to his collarbone and smiled.
"I love you."

Renjun smiled through his sleepy state and pressed his lips to the crown of her head.
"I love you too Jieun."

But unknown to her, there was another person who had an undying love for one of them, the evidence sitting in the unopened present.

But unknown to her, there was another person who had an undying love for one of them, the evidence sitting in the unopened present

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I'm back

And I have a plan for Rinae hehehe

And request some fluff scenes 🥺

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