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"I like Renjun

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"I like Renjun."

Jieun had ran up the stairs, panting as she swung open the door to reveal Yunhee and Jaemin painting each others nails.

They both turned to the girl, taken aback by her confession and also at the fact she was in Yunhee's house with no warning.

"You just realized now? Gosh you really are slow." Yunhee tsked, watching as Jaemin careful painted pink on her nails.
"Stop moving." He mumbled and then he turned to Jieun.
"You could have knocked though-"
"Forget that." She said waving him off and sitting next to the couple.

"I'm in a bit of a predicament."
"Just a bit." Yunhee said, looking up at her best friend who had let out a big sigh and fallen back onto the bed.
"We're just friends now though, we just became friends- I really shouldn't feel this way."

"I mean you can't help how you feel." Jaemin said with a hum, pondering about  how Renjun felt towards her- he wasn't one to open up about girls at all so he had no idea if Renjun felt the same.

It didn't really take a rocket scientist to see that Renjun and Jieun undeniably liked each other, but it wasn't confirmed on his end.
"I wanted to like, I don't know- confess- but we just became friends and I don't want to scare him away."

"You know... Renjun needs a lot of support- he won't admit it though. I think deep down he just wants someone to love him regardless of..." Jaemin trailed off.
"He told me."

"He did?" Jaemin asked, perking his head up in shock and Jieun nodded.
"Told you what?" Yunhee asked confused and Jieun turned towards her best friend.

"I'm sorry I really can't tell you..."
Yunhee smiled and shook her head.
"It's okay, it's good that he shared a secret with you though."
Jaemin nodded.
"It's very unlike him, I've known him for what? 6 years plus but he only told us two years ago."

"Ugh!" Jieun exclaimed, flopping back onto the bed with her mind full of thoughts." I really like him." She said quietly, an underlying sadness in her voice.

"I don't want to rush anything though, that's even if he likes me back. I just want to be there for him, be someone he can rely on you know? I want to ugh- I just want to love him and now I sound like a lovesick child.
He deserves so much love man, I just- I don't know." She sighed.

"What should I do?" She said, turning her head towards the two.

"What should I do?" She said, turning her head towards the two

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Yeah what should she do hmmmmmmmmm

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