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"Hey Renjun!" Rinae said enthusiastically, sitting down next to him- in Jieun's seat

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"Hey Renjun!" Rinae said enthusiastically, sitting down next to him- in Jieun's seat.
"She sits there."
"I know, I just wanted to talk to you."
"Why?" He muttered uninterested.

Rinae eyed Renjun before inching closer to him, pretending to look at his work as their arms brushed.
"Wow your work is so good!"

Renjun didn't reply, shifting away from the girl as her eyes looked around every few seconds.
"Do you even like Jieun?"

Renjun's head turned towards the girl, eyes hostile and burning into her face.
"Like her? I fucking love her now go away before I break your bones."

Rinae blinked at his outburst but sighed and leant back her seat.
"Aggressive, I don't think Jieun likes that you know- didn't she ever tell you how much she hates violence."

Renjun didn't reply, only looking down at his paper.
"You really don't know her do you?" She laughed before shrugging. "I don't think you guys should be together- there are many other girls for you, like-"

"I'm not interested in you go away."
"Fuck off."

"What's going on here?"

Rinae turned towards the voice and jolted away from Renjun.
"Oh, Jieun hey." Rinae greeted with a smile, getting off her seat and standing in front of her.
"How are you?"

Jieun eyed the girl for a second before her gaze flickered to her boyfriend.
"I didn't know you took art."

"I don't."

There was an awkward silence and Jieun cleared her voice, walking past the girl bit Rinae stopped her.
"Did you get the gift?"

Jieun's nose crinkled up in confusion but she soon realised.
"Oh no, I didn't get round to opening it...what was it?"

Rinae's eyes flickered over to Renjun and then she shook her head.
"Just a warning for you," Rinae began, walking towards the girl and leaning into her ear.

"I always get what I want."

One last glance at Renjun and the girl was off, leaving Jieun speechless and angry.


"Jisung I told you, I don't know if Chaerin likes you." Jieun said for the umpteenth time today and the boy groaned, following his best friend.

"But can you just ask her?"
"Why can't you ask her-"
"Please~" Jisung pouted with puppy dog eyes and Jieun rolled her own eyes.

"Okay fine, but you owe me." The girl said and Jisung nodded frantically.

They both began walking down the hallway, not getting very far when she was slammed against the locker.

Jieun gasped and opened her eyes to see Rinae pinning her against the locker.
"Break up with Renjun."
"What the hell-"
"Break up with him Jieun."

Jieun glowered at the girl and shook her head angrily.
"You always do this, this time I won't let you take him from me." She spat out and Rinae chuckled when she saw a crowd form.

"Break up with Renjun Jieun, I'm warning you."
Renjun and the other boys had pushed through the crowd and they had just realised it was Jieun pinned against the locker.

"Or what?" Jieun taunted, hair messy and panting with anger and shock.
Rinae looked down at the girl, flickering her gaze from her to her boyfriend Renjun.

"What are you going to do about it? Go on tell me-"
Jieun was roughly cut off, pushed further into the locker and gasps resounded around the hallway.

Angrily, Rinae let out a frustrated growl like noise and grabbed Jieun by the neck, pushing her lips against her own.

Angrily, Rinae let out a frustrated growl like noise and grabbed Jieun by the neck, pushing her lips against her own

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Rinae I see how you're feeling 👀

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