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"You're so annoying Mark!" Jieun exclaimed exasperated and nudged him with her shoulder

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"You're so annoying Mark!" Jieun exclaimed exasperated and nudged him with her shoulder. They were sitting side-by-side on the sofa, bickering as per usual.

"Shut up, you're annoying!"
"No you!"
"No you're the annoying one!"
"Shut up I'll throw you out of this window."
"Do it you ant."
"Oh hell no-!"
"Ow! Mum! Jieun is hitting me!"

"Both of you be quiet." Byumi, their Mum said- drying her hands and rolling her eyes.
She walked over to her children, urging them to move and and sat in between them both.

The two grumbled something under their breaths and Byumi laughed gently, feeling her two babies cuddle into her from either side- eyes trained on the TV.

"You've both grown up so much." She murmured, looking at the baby pictures on the wall.
"Too bad Mark still looks ugly-"
"Hey! You sound like a dying cat, especially when you sing!"
"What!" Jieun exclaimed, sitting up and glaring at Mark.

Byumi sighed and pushed Jieun back to her shoulder.
"You haven't changed at all, you always used to bicker and fight even as kids."
"I bet I used to win the fights."
"No you didn't." Mark grumbled, pouting and huffing.

Byumi laughed and stroked Mark's hair.
"Don't worry Pumpkin."
Jieun leaned her head back on the couch and pondered.
"What were we like when we were younger?"

"Hm," their Mum began, a soft smile on her lips.
"Mark was always shy, a big softie- he always used to cry with these adorable big eyes and you really couldn't say no to him."
Mark laughed slightly and shook his head in embarrassment.

"Jieun, oh my God don't get me started! You would always be so energetic, I didn't know how you weren't tired because I certainly was!
Everyone said you'd be stubborn, they were right. You loved being a little troublemaker didn't you, but you really were a sweet girl- when you got what you wanted."

Jieun nodded in agreement, she couldn't even deny the mischievous child she was.
The three indulged into their long term memories, a few stomach pained laughing and snorting from the sheer humour later, they were interrupted.

The loud, hard knocks at the door sent Jieun jolting in surprise, hand on her chest.
"That scared me!" She laughed a bit but shook her head- standing up and stretching her muscles.

"I'll get it."

Jieun still had a smile on her face, running a hand through her hair as she unlocked the door, opening it.

She saw shoes first, her eyes trailing up the body until it reached their face.
Her eyes widened at the person at her door as they stared back at them.

Her eyes widened at the person at her door as they stared back at them

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Who should it be and why 😯😯

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