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Seeing as he had fallen asleep when his family came out of the room, Jieun stood up and stretched her sore muscles- sending a smile to his family before walking into the room

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Seeing as he had fallen asleep when his family came out of the room, Jieun stood up and stretched her sore muscles- sending a smile to his family before walking into the room.

The beeping of his heart rate was the sweetest sound she could have heard and she shakily closed the door behind her.

Once Jieun turned around, she saw him.
He was hooked up to tubes and tubes and his face was pale, lips blue- but he still looked ethereal.

Jieun let out a small sigh, rubbing her eyes and walked over to his bedside table and placing the flowers and the card down before turning to his sleeping form.

"Hey," she whispered out, her gentle fingers brushing agan his hand like he was fragile- afraid of hurting him.

"You scared me." She said softly with a laugh but the laugh turned into sadness as a frown pulled on her lips. "I'm sorry that you feel this way Jun, I wish I could make it better."

At his still closed eyelids she sighed, clasping his hand as she tore her eyes away from his face and stood up- pressing her lips to his cold forhead, letting them linger as she savoured the feeling.

"Get better soon please."


"I confessed." Jieun said as she walked into Yunhee's room.

Jaemin and Yunhee, who were cuddling in bed, turned to the girl who sighed and dragged her feet towards them both.

"Not again-" Jaemin whined out. "You cuddled with us last time, it's like we're in an open relationship!" He huffed, crossing his arms and Jieun glared at him.

"Im sad." She said with a pout and wriggled herself into Yunhee's arms.
"What if he doesn't like me?"

"What's there not to like, I'd date you."
"Hey!" Jaemin exclaimed at Yunhee with his mouth agape and Yunhee giggled and brushed their noses together.

"I'm gonna gag." Jieun commented, turning away and looking up at the ceiling and Yunhee laughed.
"Just wait till you and Renjun start dating."

"Is it too fast?"

"What do you mean?"
"Like, is it too quick for us to hypothetically date..."
"Love is love Jieun. You can't put a time limit on it, if you have a connection then go for it- you can grow together even if you're dating. Plus, life's too short."

"Yeah, I think Renjun has really changed since meeting you." Jaemin commented with a thoughtful hum. "He talks about you a lot."

"Really? What does he say?" Jieun inquired, sitting up in curiousity and Jaemin smirked, tapping his nose.

"You'll never know."


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