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"Hi Jieun!"

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"Hi Jieun!"

Jieun's eyes were wide at the sight of Rinae, her ex best friend. She stood with a wide smile, hands in her coat pocket, looking effortlessly beautiful.

"Oh, Rinae..." Jieun breathed out in shock, not thinking she'd ever see her again.
"Surprise! I'm back in Korea!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around Jieun, squeezing her.

"W-why are you here?" Jieun stuttered in absolute disbelief, pulling away and Rinae frowned.
"I'm starting school tomorrow, I just wanted to see a familiar face- oh is that Felix still there- you guys still crushing on each other?" She said suggestively and Jieun forced a laugh.

"Not after you kissed him."

There was a silence and Rinae awkwardly shifted on her feet.
"Well uh, I'll catch you tomorrow?"

Jieun didn't say anything, gripping the edge of the door in anger and she watched Rinae walk off, heels clicking against the floor.


"Do you need anything from the shop?" Jieun asked Mark who was busy playing on his Xbox to even look up.
"Nah." He said before letting out a string of yells into his headset.

Jieun rolled her eyes, walking further into his room and grabbing his jacket before walking back down the stairs.
Pulling on the jacket, she opened the door yelling out a bye.

The night sky was elegantly painted amidst delicate colours that made up the serene sunset. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, peaceful and relaxing.

Feeling liberated, she soaked in the fresh night air, the sound of distinct noises that littered the atmosphere.
Lee Jieun stood amongst the flower decorated path, a smile gracing her lips. Pure ethereality, almost intoxicating.

She walked past the walls of calamity and towards the direction of the shop. The girl hummed, intertwined in her own world- breathing in the freshness of the clean pure air.

She arrived at the store, sighing as she took her hood down and the warmth hit her. Jieun began walking down the isles, bored out of her mind before her eyes fell on a familiar face.

"Hey." She grinned, bumping her shoulder against his- making him stumble slightly unprepared.

Renjun glared at her, dusting his shoulder forcefully before running his tongue over his lip ring.
"I'm starting to think you're stalking me." He commented, walking ahead of her. Jieun couldn't help but smile, her foul mood instantly leaving her.

"How have you been?" She asked, falling in step with him and Renjun turned towards her, his cap covering his hair but she still gasped.
"You dyed your hair?"
Renjun scowled and adjusted his cap lower.

Jieun's eyes sparkled with the light above them as she reached up on her tippy toes. Renjun gave her a look of disgust, trying to stop her from yanking his cap off.

Unable to keep her balance, she stumbled on her toes- gasping when she fell forward. Her body hit his, her arm over his neck subconsciously and Renjun was pushed backwards.

His back hit the wall and as he hit it, his hand rested on her hip. Renjun had his eyes shut in slight pain but when his eyes flickered back up he noticed the lack of space.

Their noses were inches away from each other, her arm looped around his neck and she could feel his hot breaths of air hitting her.

Renjun's eyes pierced into hers before it flickered down to her parted lips from shock. His own tongue darted across his dry lips and for the first time- he didn't know what to say.

 His own tongue darted across his dry lips and for the first time- he didn't know what to say

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