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Jieun looked up from her art seat and a smile grazed her lips automatically.
"Hi." She breathed out, watching as he began to get his things out.

Renjun was hyper aware of her eyes on him and something in him made him feel transparent under her gaze.
He wasn't intimidated by her, she hadn't done anything wrong but his insecurities gnawed at him.

"How are you?" She asked, smiling at him- once again flashing that same gummy smile which always compelled him to look away.
"Good...you?" He asked, gulping down the lump in his throat as he looked ahead and Jieun let out a laugh, patting his back.

"You're getting better at this."
"At what?" He asked, turning towards her.
"Not being a sassy pants all the time, you know actually being nice."

Renjun rolled his eyes at the girl and leaned his cheek in his palm, looking at her as she laughed.
"Stop it." He whined, puffing out a breath of air, his lips turning into an accidental pout and Jieun's eyes twinkled.

"You're so cute!" She cooed out enthusiastically, squishing his cheeks together with her fingers- his lips pouting out more on force.

Renjun's eyes widened, flickering over to the girl.
"No I'm not." He mumbled through his pouted lips and Jieun shook his face in her hand.
"Oh my God, you really are though." She gushed, pinching his cheek.

"Ouch! What the hell!" He exclaimed, pushing her away and rubbing his cheek as he glared at her.
"You're so weird." He muttered, giving her a look but she still remained smiling, eyes trained on him.

Renjun rolled his eyes, pushing her face away so she was facing the front but Jieun only placed her chin in her palm as she stared at him.

His Adams apple bobbed as he looked down at his work, aware of her eyes and the tips of his ears began to turn red, along with the faint blush.

"Are you... flustered?" She teased, leaning towards him, trying to get a better look at him and he scraped his chair back, walking away from her.

"Oh my God!" She exclaimed loudly, gaining the attention from everyone.
Jieun was quick on her feet, walking after him.
"Renjun~ come heree~" she sang out, following him around as he tried to escape her.

Her laughter rang through the room and he put his hands over his ears to block the girl out.
That's until a hand stopped her.

Hyunjin grabbed her arm, making her gasp in surprise, looking up at him.
"We need to talk babe, come with me."

Renjun's eyes fell on the two and his jaw clenched, striding over to the bruised boy and grabbed Jieun's other hand.
"She's not going anywhere with you." He spat out.

"And why do you get to make the decision from her?" Hyunjin pressed tauntingly. "What? Don't tell me little Mafia boy has a crush."

Renjun's fist clenched and his eyes fell down to Jieun who looked up at him with her famous big eyes full of curiosity.

"Well you didn't deny it, pussy." Hyunjin snickered and Renjun took a step towards him but Jieun slotted herself in between them, looking up at Renjun with her hands pressed against his chest to stop him from lunging.

"Renjun," she warned softly and Renjun exhaled, closing his eyes and he could feel the warmth of her hands over his shirt.

Hyunjin scoffed and ran a hand through his hair.
"You can't be serious." He grumbled as he strided off in a fit.

" He grumbled as he strided off in a fit

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