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Oh damn 100k what

Jieun was partially shocked seeing as the last time she had seen him he was unconscious in his hospital bed- tubes hooked up to him

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Jieun was partially shocked seeing as the last time she had seen him he was unconscious in his hospital bed- tubes hooked up to him.

Now he was here, him blinded by rage as his eyes landed on Hyunjin.
An almost animalistic snarl came from Renjun lips, eyes slitted in anger and jaw clenched.

"I'm going to kill you."

Kill him
Kill him

A dark, humourless chuckle fell from his lips.
"I will." He said, advancing on Hyunjin who grabbed the blade from the desk as Renjun walked unfazed towards him.

Hyunjin thrusted the knife in Renjun's direction, the boy nonchalantly grabbing his arm- twisting it and kicking him to the ground.
The knife was disarmed from his hand and Renjun didn't stop there- oh he didn't even blink when he grabbed Hyunjin to his feet, colliding his fist into his face repeatedly.

Hyunjin stumbled, no time to regain his stability when Renjun continued to pummel his fists in his face- pitch black voided eyes.

She could only sit there and watch, pulling on her restraints through her weak and fragile state.

Renjun didn't stop, he didn't even dream of it. He straddled Hyunjin, nails digging into his neck as he applied pressure- hair falling over his forehead.

Hyunjin began clawing at the floor, turning a sheet of white and Renjun chuckled darkly, gripping his collars and bringing his head up slightly.

"How dare you touch her." He growled out in his ear, sending terrified shivers down Hyunjin's spine.
The boy didn't even have time to respond as Renjun reached behind him gripping the knife in his hand.

"N-no, please-" Hyunjin begged out with wide eyes. Renjun smirked, twirling it around in his fingers as the other hand compressed his throat.

"Please what?" Renjun taunted. Sweats of anger and destruction dripping down his temple. "I should have killed you ages ago."

Renjun maintained the intense eye contact as he danced the blade over Hyunjin's abdomen, teasing the skin with anticipation.
Hyunjin was choking on his own air as the restriction of oxygen became overwhelming.

Renjun loosened his grip on his neck, only for him to plunge the blade deep into his gut. A howl of pain ripped through Hyunjin's throat, hoarse and tears sprung to his eyes.

Jieun gasped at the sight but oddly, she was a little satisfied.
Renjun's back muscles tensed and flexed as he used his strength to drag the blade through Hyunjin's gut.

The screams of pain intensified, blood curdling cries and Renjun tsked, twisting the knife within him, now at his ribcage.

"Who's the pussy now?" Renjun cooed tauntingly, pulling the knife out and watching in satisfaction as blood pooled out of him and onto the floor below him.

Kill him
Kill him

"You see, they're telling me to kill you- and for once I agree."

Hyunjin coughed on the metallic taste in his mouth, laying paralysed as his whole abdomen was cut open.
The blade was pressed into his neck, accurately cutting through an artery and Renjun pulled it out, blood spurting everywhere.

Reluctantly, Renjun pulled away, stumbling up to his feet and panted through his overcoming rage.

The bubbling of blood overflowed from Hyunjin's mouth and his eyes glazed over- head limp to the side.

Kill Everyone
Kill Everyone

"Shut up." Renjun gritted out, tugging at his hair as his feet moved towards her. His eyes properly fell to her, fists clenching as he took in her appearance.

"Jieun..." He trailed off, half choking on the vulnerability in his voice- fighting the darkness inside him with his heart ripping in two.

"Renjun," she breathed out, tears glistening in her eyes as she leant forward but got tugged back by her restraints.

A small whimper fell from her lips as she looked up at him, everything beggining to crash down in waves of tears.
"Renjun-" she said again, this time her voice wavering slightly, desperation of wanting to hold him in her arms forever.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, a wave of pain shooting through his head, making him groan and grip his head.

Kill Everyone

"Argh!" He screamed out, eyes screwed shut tight and lips pulled into a pained frown.
"Go away, leave me alone." He gritted out through clenched teeth and his hands fumbled with the chains amidst the uncontrollable shaking.

He yelled in frustration as he was unable to untie her, his eyes growing darker.

Kill Everyone

He panted, it becoming deeper and angrier with every passing second.

"I'm here, I'm okay- please come back to me." Jieun said, wanting desperately to run her hands through his hair and tell him everything was okay.

Renjun's eyes flickered up to hers and something inside him melted, crashing down on him.

Hands still on the restraints, he whimpered out, making Jieun's heart clench painfully.
"I'm okay Junnie." she said softly, managing her famous warm smile.

He had his own eyes watering with his tears and the desperation washed over him, every ounce of him working to untie her.

And at last, it did.

And at last, it did

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