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"I fucking h-hate you!" Jieun screamed out, pulling against the restraints as she was locked in the basement

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"I fucking h-hate you!" Jieun screamed out, pulling against the restraints as she was locked in the basement.

She grimaced at the taste in her mouth, spiting out blood in the direction of Hyunjin.
"I hope you rot in hell!"

"I think your anger issues are coming out babe." Hyunjin commented, humming as he began sharpening the blade in his hand.

"Please just let me go, please!"
"Not yet." He mused, turned around with the blade in his hand.
Jieun gasped at it and she looked down at the restraints, pulling at it hard, harder as he began walking towards her.

Pulling it harder as she cried, the blade now poking against her collarbone, dragging over her skin lightly as it pushed her shirt aside, exposing her shoulder.

"Please..." She whispered out, voice hoarse from the overspill of tears.
The blade danced over her skin, breaking the barrier and specs of red beads of blood surfaced as she whimpered out, trying to kick her feet around on the cold, concrete floor.

"Please what?" He whispered out, thumb brushing the partially dry blood on her cheek with a dark smile.
"Let me go- get off me! Let me go! Someone help me please!" She screamed out as loud as she could, voice thick with fear and pain.

Hyunjin sighed harshly, the blade clattering on the floor as he sat back on his heels, harshly fumbling with his belt.
"No, no-"
"Shut up bitch."
"No, please- someone help! Please-" she cried out, kicking him with her foot, actions constrained by the restraints.

Hyunjin pulled his belt off through the hoops and held it in his hand and he leaned forward, covering her mouth with the belt- her screams muffled as she thrashed around.

A punch to her stomach winded her severely, coughing out- heaving for air as the sudden panic of being unable to breathe set in.

Her heart lurched, coughing violently, pounding her fist on her chest.
Her asthma- she needed her inhaler.

"Stop being dramatic." He growled, slapping her- ring clashing against her face and scraping her skin, eliciting a shriek of pain and hot drops of tears spilling down her face.

"No one will come to save you."

She was numb, blood over her body and purple reddish hues on her skin, bruises littered everywhere- fingernails indented into her, handprints- cuts

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She was numb, blood over her body and purple reddish hues on her skin, bruises littered everywhere- fingernails indented into her, handprints- cuts.

She was numb in pain.

He had stopped beating her relentlessly, now by the door at the desk- scrawling down something.

She couldn't even breathe properly, wanting nothing more than to just die.
She had lost every ounce of hope- clothes disheveled but thankfully he hadn't touched her inappropriately- well sexually at least.
The whole ordeal was inappropriate.

She could feel herself slipping in and out of consciousness, unable to distinguish or even calculate how many hours she had been held hostage.

The only sound was her breaths harshly expelling from her lungs and the sound of his pen dragging across the paper.

That's until an aggressive, loud and violent bang at the door caused the girl to look up in confusion.

Another bang at the door shook her body,  jolting in fear as it rattled- until with great force- it burst open.

Jieun's eyes latched onto the figure that had burst through the door- heart soaring and pounding with relief, shoulders slumping down and all of her past worries faded away when his own pitch black eyes fell to hers.


King has entered

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King has entered

Bye Hyunjin

I mean I still love u but for this book I hate u 😔

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