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I just realised that every chapter in my book has 1k+ reads wow
Even the ones from yesterday 🤧🤧🤧
This book is blowing up ok bye

"He's in the fucking mafia? What the hell Jieun!"

"Can I be friends with someone, God I'm not two!"

"Well you're acting like a child, are you really that dumb?"

"Fuck off Mark, I'm not having this conversation- we're just friends!"

"I don't care, he probably has other intentions, you're going to get hurt and it's going to be your fault for getting involved with someone like him!"

When Jieun reached school her anger had worn off and instead she was more upset, not wanting the morning to start with an argument- especially not about Renjun.

She got through her lessons with her mind still full with obsessive thoughts about their argument. Her and Mark had always been close, sure they fought before but this morning had been bad.

It was lunch when she felt overwhelmingly upset, remembering the disappointment in Mark's face and the angry tone he used.
As she entered, the group was at the table, her eyes falling on Renjun who was stood up, rummaging through his bag as the rest laughed as usual.

Seeing him refilled her mind with Mark's words and a frown pulled on her lips, bottom lip sticking out as she walked towards the table with teary eyes.

They hadn't noticed her yet, until she reached them and took everyone by surprise when she walked straight into Renjun, wrapping her arms around his waist and head on his chest.

He flinched slightly at the sudden contact but when he looked down to see her face covered by his chest his eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing with concern.

Renjun put an arm around her, the other hand on her head comfortingly- well as best as he could.
He was definitely stiff and unsure what to do.

"What's wrong?" He asked lowly, feeling her turn her head and rest her cheek against his chest- away from the group.

At her lack of reply, he tilted his head to the side so he could see her face, brushing the pieces of hair out of it.
"Did anyone say anything? Hurt you? Was it Hyunjin?"

Jieun shook her head and tightened her grip around Renjun's waist, closing her eyes.
"I had an argument with Mark." She mumbled and Yunhee couldn't help but frown, the two never argued.

Renjun caught Yunhee's eyes and the girl motioned to the door with her head and he got the signal, rubbing her back a few times as he grabbed his bag.

"Come on." He said, voice softer- foreign to Jieun but she let him lead her outside to the grassy field where the sun was shining.

Renjun laced his fingers through hers and pulled her closer as people came running towards her down the halls.
Once they were outside, Jieun let out a sigh.

"Sorry..." She trailed off guiltily. "You probably were having fun in there and I just- I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing." He said, stopping in the field and putting his jacket on the floor.

He sat down on it, leaving space for her to do the same as they sat, cramped on the jacket.
"What happened?" He asked, looking over at the girl who was looking at the floor, shrugging- picking at the grass.

"We just argued."
"About what?"

A knowing sigh left Renjun's lips and he pulled his silver lip ring through his teeth.
"Does it hurt?" She asked suddenly, making the boy look at her in confusion.

Jieun's finger was pointing at it, near to his lip and he realised what she was saying.
"Not really."
Jieun hummed in acknowledgement and her eyes fell to the several ear piercings he had.

"You must like piercings, you look cute."
Renjun's face pulled into an expression of disgust.
"I was hoping I looked scarier to be honest."

Jieun let out a laugh and her eyes fell back on the ring in his lip, tilting her head with burning questions.

"Doesn't it hurt if you like kiss someone?"

He turned his head, not a lot of space between them to begin with and his lips pulled up into a small smirk.

"Is that what you think about when you see me?"

"Is that what you think about when you see me?"

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He bold bold

Okay pop off sis

And yes when I see u I want to kiss u

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