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Renjun's chest rose and fell deeply, his pants of anger filling the hall as every eye fell on him

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Renjun's chest rose and fell deeply, his pants of anger filling the hall as every eye fell on him.
He almost slowly turned around at a cry of pain, until his eyes fell to the girl on the floor, clutching her wrist and head down.

Renjun inhaled sharply, closing his eyes and clenching his fists as his fingers still itched to kill the boy.

A few people had already gathered around her as tears glistened on her cheeks.
"Oh my God, are you okay!"
"Shit, what if you broke your wrist!"
"Unnie, you're bleeding-!"


At the sound of Renjun's voice, the people looked up petrified, scrambling out of his way.

Jieun could see his shoes only a short distance away from her, but she wasn't too sure as tears blurred her vision.
She sniffled, stray pieces of hair falling over her face as she clutched her throbbing wrist.

Her neck had a cut on it from the lockers edge, blood trickling down and she couldn't help the tears as they fell faster, biting her lip in agony.

Renjun's eyes stayed on her figure sitting on the floor, unmoving before turning his head back to the boy on the floor.
Closing his eyes, he steadied his angry breaths and crouched down.

Renjun stays crouched beside her, his still hostile eyes and fists clenched, hair falling over his eyes.
He didn't say anything at first, watching as tears fell down her flushed cheeks, lips reddening at the rise of emotion.

He tilted his head slightly, his eyes falling on her neck before he let out a small sigh.
"Can you stand?" Is all he said, his tone unwavering almost unworried and Jieun sniffled once more, going to move the hair out of her face but yelped in pain- scrunching her eyes shut.

Her sniffled were coming out more frequently, like she was holding in her cries but her shoulder shook and she began coughing.
Her coughs turned violent, a sob in between and a cry of pain.

Renjun's eyes flickered from her to her bag, grabbing it with ease and grabbing the object.
He held the inhaler out for her and she shakily reached out to get it holding it up to her lips, trying to calm herself down.

Jieun winced at the pain shooting up her neck, reaching out to touch it and flinching in pain and shock at the sticky substance.
Amidst her panic, Renjun reached out, his thumb wiping away the blood that had reached her collarbone- making her involuntarily shiver.

Her glazed eyes met his blank ones and she had her bottom lip in hostage by her teeth.
"You should go to the nurse." He said, standing up and reaching for his own bag as she sat alone and hurt on the floor.

" He said, standing up and reaching for his own bag as she sat alone and hurt on the floor

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Where are your manners

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