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Ooooh #1 in Renjun for like a couple days ;)

Also had about 5 breakdowns today but we move 😚✌🏼

Also had about 5 breakdowns today but we move 😚✌🏼

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"I'm still mad at you."
"I know, you've said ten times already." Renjun stated as the bell went for break.
He stood up, eyes flickering over to the girl before he pushed his chair back in and walked over to the back of the class.

Her eyes lingered on him until a hand on her waist pulled her out of it.
"Hey." Hyunjin said with a warm smile, tucking her hair behind her ear and her mind instantly went to earlier as Renjun did the same.

"O-oh hey." Jieun said, forcing herself to avert her eyes from Renjun and to the boy who's collar was stained pink.
"You uh, got some lipstick there." Jieun said, pointing to his neck and Hyunjin was quick to rub it away.

"Oh, I was just hugging a girl." He chuckled nonchalantly. "Makeup goes everywhere."

Jieun forced a slight laugh, her eyes falling over to Renjun who had began gathering his stuff.
"So babe, I was wondering," Hyunjin began, inching closer to the girl who wasn't even looking at him.

Renjun had began walking out of the room and Jieun's heartbeat quickened.
"If you wanted to go on a da-"
"I'll talk to you later, something came up!" Jieun exclaimed, hurriedly running towards the doors.

Jieun's feet pattered against the ground, her eyes desperate to keep touch on Renjun as he began walking down the stairs- the girl following him.

She wasn't too sure why she was even following him.

"Hey!" Yunhee exclaimed, coming in front of the frantic girl- followed by Chaerin.
Jieun's shoulders slumped as she watched the boy leave around the corner.


Jieun stood in the line at the cafeteria, anxiously shifting on her feet, waiting for her turn.
When it came, she grabbed a tray- picking out he food she wanted and picked the tray back up- failing to do so with one hand that already had her art folder in.

The tray was promptly taken out of her hand and she looked up, the boy had a lollipop between his red soft lips and the dark pieces of hair fell over his eyes as he nonchalantly, silently took her tray.
Jieun followed like a lost puppy, trailing behind him.

He made it to the cashier, looking over at Jieun for the first time.
"What drink?" He asked and she snapped out of her daze, cheeks heating up.
"Uh, water is fine- let me get my wallet-"
Renjun didn't even give Jieun chance to finish as he paid for it himself, begining to walk in the direction of the tables.

"Wait! Let me pay you back-"
"It's fine, I did break your arm." He said, taking the lollipop out of his mouth as his eyes zoned in on his dinner table, normally only had the guys on it but now Yunhee and Chaerin sat there.

"Oh..." Jieun trailed off as they both approached. The table was full, no empty seats and Jieun looked towards her friends in confusion.

"Where am I meant to sit, on your lap?" Renjun scoffed sarcastically at Yunhee and Jaemin scowled and pulled his girlfriend closer.

"I mean, looks like you two will have to sit there." Chaerin said, pointing to the next table, the empty table- the table for two.

" Chaerin said, pointing to the next table, the empty table- the table for two

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Well 👀
Chaerin knows wassup

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