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Renjun lunged at her, expecting to tackle her to the ground but she acted quicker- wrapping her arms around his middle with her eyes shut tight

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Renjun lunged at her, expecting to tackle her to the ground but she acted quicker- wrapping her arms around his middle with her eyes shut tight.

Though, his force was stronger than her grip so they both did go tacked to the floor- her head hitting the ground and his body on top of hers.

He growled at the feeling of her arms around him, restricting the dangerous person he had switched into.
Renjun's breaths were shallow, hard and full of rage.

Her hand came to the back of his head, keeping him in place, in one place- head in the crook of her neck.

His violent breaths hit her neck rhythmically and she was also panting softer than his from the whiplash of being thrusted to the ground.

"Get off." He seethed, trying to escape her grip frantically- his hands clawed at the hand that was pushing his head down. "I'm going to fucking kill you." He screamed out, dangerously close to her ear with the frightening tone of void.

Jieun gulped down her fear, unsure of what would happen next- he was unpredictable.
"I'm going to snap your neck." He hissed, his hand moving from hers to her throat.

Her breath hitched at the feeling of his hand wrapped around her neck, loosely but still there as a warning.
"Do you want that, hm?" He said lowly, a sadistic smirk on his lips.

His nose nudged against the shell of her ear, lips brushed against her neck.
"Do you want me to kill you? I'll make it nice a painful." His voice dropped to a whisper, breaths ghosting over her skin.
"I'm sure you'd love that seeing as you want to be my friend." He chuckled, his cold lip ring against her neck made her shiver.

"I prefer something a little more traditional, take me out to dinner then kill me?" She joked through the pounding of her terrified heart, verge of shaking.
"Dinner? Sure, then I'll feed you to the foxes." He laughed darkly, lifting his head up till her was hovering over her with those same dark eyes.

"It's too bad, such a pretty face." He murmured, his hand brushing the hair out of her face, down her cheek before his thumb dragged her bottom lip open.

"What if I cut your tongue off first?"


Renjun blinked down at her in disbelief and paused, before sitting up straighter- his eyes falling onto the girl in front of him.
His face was blank, full of void and for a second Jieun thought he had calmed down.

She was wrong, his smile was dark and he let out a scary chuckle.
"You're a brave one." He muttered, the sight of a shiny object making her eyes widen.
"What if I cut you open?"

Renjun twirled the knife around his fingers, crawling over to the girl.
"I hate you. I've been waiting to kill you!" He seethed, his fingers digging into her shoulder.

Jieun's hand clasped his wrist and he gritted his teeth, getting angrier.
"I told you not to fucking touch me!" He screamed out, hair falling over his eyes.

He jolted away from her, screwing his eyes shut, gripping at his hair as he kneeled on the floor.
Renjun screamed out in agony.

Kill her

"Go away!" He yelled. "Go away, leave me alone!"

Jieun's eyes softened at the sight of him yelling to himself, the veins on his neck prominent in anger.
Suddenly, his head snapped up and he growled at Jieun.
"I'm going to kill you."

Jieun was braver this time, slowly sitting up and moving cautiously towards him.
"I'm going to kill you."

Kill her

"Renjun, hey listen to me." She said softly, coming closer with a warm smile on her face.
"It's okay, it's okay, you're safe here." She cooed out softly, her hand gently reaching out towards him.

His teeth were gritted, eyes darker than she could have thought and his fists were clenched till his knuckles were whiter than a sheet.

Jieun wrapped her arms around his shoulders, shaking slightly and he tried to push her off.
Her hand grazed up and down his tense back, both kneeling.
"Get off-"

"It's okay Renjun, I'm here. You're okay, you're safe okay? It's me Jieun." She repeated, calmly into his ear.
He didn't say anything, yet she could feel the anger still radiating off of him.

Her touches became more braver, bringing him closer until his chin was on her shoulder.
His hand gripped onto her side- a little too hard.
"Let go of me!" He trashed around in her grip again but she remained calm.

Her fingers reached the back of his head, weaving her fingers through his soft hair.
A sigh fell from his lips, involuntarily and his head fell in the crook of her neck and she repeated her actions.

"It's okay." She whispered into his hair, the other hand patting his back comfortingly.
"I'm here."

I really hope this chapter was okayyyyy

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I really hope this chapter was okayyyyy

Anyway how you feeling about the book

What should happen next heh

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