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Jieun turned around extraordinarily fast that she thought her neck had snapped in the process

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Jieun turned around extraordinarily fast that she thought her neck had snapped in the process.
Her eyes immediately fell on him, he was there- he was actually there.

Huang Renjun was back.

Jieun's eyes widened, standing up straighter with a loss of words, air pushed out of her lungs leaving her breathless and in denial.

"Hey." Renjun breathed out softly, a small smile on his face.

Jieun's eyes began to prick with tears, her eyes trailing over his form. Black hair, messy over his forehead and he had adorned 3 new piercings on his ears- alongside the recent ink on his arm which she couldn't quite make out what it was.

Her heart dropped when she looked back into his eyes and a swirl of emotion raised inside her, striding over towards him.

Jieun huffed, attempting to contain her tears as her hands layed flat against his chest, pushing him. Given, she didn't have that much force against him.

"You leave for 6 months and all you say is Hey? Are you fucking kidding me!"
Renjun was slightly taken aback by her sudden burst of anger but he stood there, allowing her to release the pending emotions of the last 6 months.

"I hate you, I hate you so much!" She exclaimed with teary eyes; hitting her fists against his chest. "Why did you leave? I w-waited but you never came back!" She cried out.

Renjun's eyes softened and he lifted his hands, grasping onto her angered fists, stopping her abuse at him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered out, looking down at the girl who cried harder.

"I wish I could hate you." She murmured, sniffling and looking down at the ground- torn between her emotions. "You didn't come back, I was- I was so scared Renjun, so scared." Her voice wavering and cracking at the end.

His hand trailed up her arm, cupping her jaw as he caught a falling tear on the pad of his thumb.
"It killed me too-"
"Then why did you leave! Did you really not care about me as much as I care about you? I was so fucking worried Renjun, all I could think about was you, if you were okay and I'm such an idiot!"


The girl shook her head, sniffling and pulling away from the boy, avoiding eye contact at all cost.

"You broke my heart."

She didn't leave him any room to reply as a sob racked through her body, turning away from the boy and leaving him on the bridge alone in the rain.

She didn't leave him any room to reply as a sob racked through her body, turning away from the boy and leaving him on the bridge alone in the rain

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He fucked up

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