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Jieun's eyes widened as her Mum stood in the hallway and the girl hurried over and chuckled nervously

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Jieun's eyes widened as her Mum stood in the hallway and the girl hurried over and chuckled nervously.

"Ah Mum, hey you look great! Did you get your hair done? Wow-"
"Lee Jieun what have you done?" She demanded, eyes narrowed at Jieun's disheveled appearance and blood stained hands.

"I- uh Mum...uh can you run me a bath? Oh great let's go-"
Their Mum, Byumi, pushed past Jieun and a large gasp emitted from her lips.

Jieun winced and stood stationary in her place, not wanting to see her reaction.
"Get in here, now!"

"Mum, I can explain!" Jieun exclaimed, seeing her looking down at the boy with wide eyes.


Surprisingly, her Mother went straight into nurse mode- because well she's a nurse- ordering her two kids around endlessly.

"You know him?" Jieun asked in disbelief for the tenth time as her Mum patted a wet cloth on his forehead.
Byumi sighed and looked at her daughter.
"He was one of the survivors from the accident a few years ago."

Jieun's mouth fell agape and it dawned on her, the day her Mother came home in tears over a severe accident.
"Oh." Jieun said, looking down at the unconscious boy as her Mother ushered her out of the room.


When Jieun returned back to the living room, there was no one except Renjun.
He was laying on the sofa, head back and eyes on the ceiling.

His hand rested on his abdomen and he was fully stitched up and bandaged.
"Hey..." Jieun said cautiously, walking over.

Renjun didn't look up to see her, he didn't show any sign of movement when she walked over.
When she stood in front of him, only then his eyes looked up, piercing into hers.
"Are you feeling better?" She asked, worried.

Renjun eyed her for a few seconds before sitting up and wincing in pain.
"I'm going." He said monotonously, standing up through the pain and running a hand through his hair.
He flinched slightly and brought his hand to his face, seeing the newly opened cut on his finger.

Jieun gasped and walked over to the shopping bag, taking something out and walking over to him.

Renjun watched as Jieun grabbed his hand gently, holding the bandaid in her hand. His eyebrows drew down in confusion as she began to place it on his finger.

"It's dinosaurs!" She exclaimed with a slight smile. "I was going to buy the flower one but I wasn't too sure you'd like it."

Renjun's eyes flickered down at the girl then back to his dinosaur bandaid.

She really was something.

She really was something

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