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The next time they saw each other was on Tuesday, Jieun walked into Art class- assisted by Hyunjin as they both laughed heartily

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The next time they saw each other was on Tuesday, Jieun walked into Art class- assisted by Hyunjin as they both laughed heartily.
All eyes were drawn to them instantly as she pushed him jokingly and doubling over in a laugh.

Renjun's eyes flickered up them both, a slight twinge at his chest made his shoulders slump and he became confused.
Was he angry?
It didn't feel like anger.

The more he looked at them both, the more he wanted to snatch her away from him.
Jieun's eyes upturned and crinkles formed at her smile- gummy smile that is.
The radiance making everyone else smile- except Renjun.

His eyes zoned in on Hyunjin, scoffing and tearing his eyes away, violently drawing onto his page- gripping the pencil tightly.

"So I was thinking, shall we go on- are you listening?" Hyunjin asked Jieun who's eyes were solely on Renjun at the back of the class.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'll catch you later." She smiled, walking over to the back of the class.

"Hey there." Jieun said, making Renjun's eyes snap up to hers way too quickly- almost like he was waiting for it.

"Oh hey." He said nonchalantly, turning his eyes away to continue sketching.
Jieun was always smiling, pulling the chair out and sitting down at it, clasping her hands together in her lap and sighing contently as she over looked the class.

"Today's a nice day don't you think?" She said, looking out the window and Renjun didn't follow her gaze, he kept it on her.
"Where were you yesterday?" He asked and Jieun's eyes flickered to him.

"Why, were you waiting for me?" She teased with a smile and Renjun rolled his eyes, muttering how he didn't care where she was anymore.
"I'm kidding, I was ill- well I still am but I dragged myself here; which is why I look like an absolute tramp!" She laughed, pulling at the old sweater.

"Is it your brother's?" He asked, looking at the obvious male sweater and she shook her head.
"It was my Dad's, not too sure what band it is though..." She trailed off, nose scrunching as she smiled at the memories.

His eyes scanned her face before he pressed more onto the subject.
Jieun looked up, their eyes meeting and she began to get her art stuff out.
"He uh, passed away a few years back; well it's been what? Nine years- wait has it actually been that long? Wow...time really flies."

"Oh." Renjun said, not really knowing what to say now and Jieun chuckled at his obvious awkwardness and underlying pity. She stood up and patted his back as she left to get her supplies.


Jieun sneezed for what felt like the millionth time in the last 2 hours, her throat raw from coughing and her makeup less face felt gross.
Hair a mess from the amount of times she had ran her fingers through it.

There was absolutely no motivation to do work as time went on.
Jieun's eyes flickered to the front of the class where Hyunjin was surrounded by girls again, his eyes following the art teacher as she walked in her tight dress.

"I don't understand why girls like the fuck boys." Renjun commented, squinting his eyes at his work before grabbing something from his bag.
"I don't like him- oh you have glasses?" She asked in surprise.

Renjun rolled his eyes and shrugged.
Jieun hummed as her eyes fell to Renjun's face.
"It looks nice though." She shrugged and she turned to the front of the class again.

The teacher bent over the desk to assist a student and Hyunjin's hungry eyes lingered on her.
"Piece of shit." Renjun mumbled out a scoff.
"Hm?" Jieun asked half dazed at the sudden sharp insult and Renjun nodded over to Hyunjin who's hand was on the teachers back- dangerously low.

"I don't understand guys who think sexualising Women is acceptable, it makes me want to rip their arms from the sockets." Renjun ranted angrily, piercing holes into Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's eyes actually fell to the two and Renjun made sure to hold the eye contact. Hyunjin's eyes fell to where Jieun and Renjun's shoulders brushed against each other and the close proximity.

"What are you looking at?" Renjun pressed, lifting a threating brow and Hyunjin looked away from them.

"That's that I thought."


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If you read ethereal love or even the first few chapters of my NCT Dream 8th member book, my writing has really changed

And I'm slowly developing Renji's relationship we stab

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