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It was Thursday and Jieun dragged her feet into the school gates, not wanting to be there but when did anyone actually want to?

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It was Thursday and Jieun dragged her feet into the school gates, not wanting to be there but when did anyone actually want to?

She had spent the last two days sitting besides Renjun in art- minimal conversation.
Mostly him being rude and cold- what's new?

Jieun yawned and ran a hand through her hair, flattening down Mark's graphic sweater and her own grey sweatpants.
"What a tramp." She muttered through her tiredness. "Shouldn't have slept at 3am them idiot." She spoke to herself.

"Why am I talking to myself?" She whispered and groaned, tugging at her already messy hair.
The girl yawned again, throwing her head back and trudged into the direction of her art lesson, weaving through the way too excited and loud teenagers.

Jieun made it to her art class, most of the people already there and chattering away and the girl wanted nothing more than to sleep.
She made her way to the back of the class, her trainers dragging across the floor- alerting the boy.

He looked up from his phone, the girl lethargically dragging her feet over with her art folder in hand.
His eyes followed her as she walked around him and slammed her folder down next to him, scraping the chair back painfully.

Renjun scoffed out slightly, turning his attention back to his phone.
The girl didn't even have the energy to greet him like she normally would do.
Jieun folded her arms on the table and rested her head in it, hair falling over her frame.

He didn't say anything and the lack of sarcastic and bitter remarks left her confused.
She was half waiting for him to ridicule her for her messy and boyish appearance and for the fact her eyes were basically closing.

The girl lifted her head up slightly, squinting her eyes at the light before landing on Renjun's who's own eyes flickered over to her.

He was biting his lip in concentration at his game and looked back down at his phone.
The girl sighed and dropped her head back in her arms, cheek leaning against the arm as she watched him play.

"No rude comments?" She asked, voice coaxed with exhaustion and the boy shrugged, not taking his eyes off the game.
"You looked tired."
"Oh..." She trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"And I couldn't really care less so-"
Jieun let out an impatient and harsh sigh, turning her head over so she was no longer looking at him.

"And I couldn't really care less so-"Jieun let out an impatient and harsh sigh, turning her head over so she was no longer looking at him

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