Chapter 2

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"You guys are here! Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy", Hercules said as he looked at the four. "You literally dropped in. I have to say, I'm impressed", he said. "It's good to see you too Herc but, what's going on?", Viki asked as she looked at the damaged of the town and Hercules sighed a bit. "Take a guess. Starts with an H", he said and the four knew what he was talking about. "We bumped into the H-ster on the way here", Sora said and Donald agreed. "He said somethin' about conquerin' the whole cosmos", Goofy said. "All of it, huh? Nice of him to show a little self-restraint. Well, whatever he is planning, I'll send him running across the Styx", Hercules said as he puts his fists on his hips. Viki and Sora chuckle a bit. "That's our Herc", Sora said. They soon walked around and Sora had explained to Hercules the reason why they were in his world and Hercules didn't have an answer for him. "Heartless!", Donald shouted as fireballs came falling out of the sky and they hit the ground, Heartless appearing from the flames. Sora and Viki summoned their keyblades while Goofy and Donald summon their weapons. "We'll talk later", Hercules said and Sora nods in agreement. "Right, once we've dealt with these guys", Viki said and everyone fought off the Heartless. Sora and Viki fought side-by-side against the Heartless and used their special moves to defeat all of them. Soon, all the Heartless was defeated and Sora, Vikki, Donald, and Goofy make their weapons disappear then they all looked up to hear a voice. "Hercules!", the voice yelled out and everyone looked up to see Pegasus fly down with Phil and Meg on his back. "You're okay", Meg said as she got off of Pegasus after he landed and she walked over to Hercules. Meg looked around with a small frown. "Boy, that didn't look so fun", she said. "No, not with the Heartless involved. We're just lucky that our friends showed up", Hercules said as Sora, Viki, Goofy and Donald walked over to the two. Meg looked at them and smiled. "Well, what do you know? Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy. Guess I owe you a big thank you", she said with a small smile. "Meg, you need to get somewhere safe", Hercules said in a serious tone and Viki smiled a bit. "He loves her a lot", she said to herself as Meg got back on Pegasus and Hercules told him to keep her safe. "Help!", a voice called out and Viki looked up to hear it. "Hey! I hear a voice", Goofy said, listening for the voice again. "From which way?", Hercules asked. Goofy pointed over a direction. "Over that way", he said and Hercules walked over to get a better look. Viki looked at the direction closely and sees a little girl on top of a rock pile. "There's a little girl caught in the fire", she said then runs to the girl to rescue her. "Wait Viki!", Sora shouted at her and Donald and Goofy did the same but Viki kept running. The ground shook a bit and the girl squealed as she slipped and fell off the rocks. Viki gasped then jumped up and catches the girl before she hit the ground then lands on her feet, holding the girl close to her who was shaking a bit. "It's okay, I got you", Viki said and rubs the girl's back, comforting her. Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran over as Viki sets the girl down on her feet. "Thank you for saving me", the little girl said to Viki then ran off to safety. "That was brave of you to do Viki", Goofy said and Viki smiled sheepishly. "I had to save her so I followed my heart to do the right thing", she said, placing her hand on her chest where her heart was. "Well, if it isn't Sora, Viki, and the King's pawns", a voice and the four turned around to see Maleficent and Pete walk out of a dark portal. "Are you the reason the Heartless are here?", Sora asked as he, Viki, Donald, and Goofy summoned their weapons, getting into their battle stances. "Certainly not", Maleficent said and Pete looked at them closely. "Say Maleficent, I dunno about his sidekicks and his little sister. But Kid Keyblader looks way punier than the last time we saw him", Pete said, pointing at Sora. Viki glared at him and grips her keyblade. "I say we finish him off while we have the chance", Pete said and Sora glared at him as well. "Waste no time with the boy. He's inconsequential. We have far more pressing matters to attend to", Maleficent said and Pete crossed his arms across his chest. "Oh! We got to find that black box", he said with a smirk. "Be silent, you fool!", Maleficent yelled at Pete, causing him to flinch. 'Black box?', Viki thought to herself, confused. "As for you four, we shall meet again... when I have time such trifles", Maleficent said as she looked at them then turned around, a portal of darkness opening up before her. "Yeah, and youse better get your act together before then", Pete said, smirking at them then followed Maleficent through the portal. "Wait!", Sora yelled and runs after them but, the portal soon disappeared. Sora sighed and looked down. "Sora?", Donald asked and Viki placed her hand on Sora's shoulder. "It's fine. I can take it", Sora said, looking at them. The four then helped more people out of a building that Hercules was holding up so everyone got out safely. Everyone made it out safely and the building collapses down. "Hercules!", the four shouted and they looked down but Viki looked up to see a silhouette walking towards the group from the desaturation and she smiled to see it was Hercules himself. "You scared us", Sora said to him. "It's nothing. That's what these are for", Hercules said and flexed his arms, showing off his muscles and Donald and Goofy did the same. "Oh, wow! Very nice, full marks", a voice and they looked over to see Xigbar, a member of Organization 13. "Go away!", Donald shouted. "No Organization!", Goofy shouted as well. "You're Xigbar", Sora and Viki said together. "All this altruism is giving me the warm and fuzzies", Xigbar said as he walked towards them then looked at Viki, noticing something. "What's that?", he asked then reached his hand towards her only for Sora to smack his hand away. "So then, does having a heart of light come with an extremely good insurance policy?", Xigbar asked, brushing off the smack from Sora. "Just say what you mean", Viki said to him. "Oh, but I did though. No good will ever come putting other people first", Xigbar said, saying towards Hercules. "I was able to save Meg's life because I was ready to risk my own life", Hercules said, putting his hand where his heart is. "Because you have friends in high places, you mean. Tricks don't fly for your average joe", Xigbar said, walking past him. Hercules looked down a bit, making Sora and Viki mad. "How would you know? You weren't even there! If you were, you'd admire Herc's courage", Sora said, standing up for Hercules. "I don't admire one guy leaping into danger if it means someone else might have to jump in to save him. You all are just lining up to lose out. Dooming others to take the fall with ya. Oh, and you can spare me your usual party line. Yes, hearts are powerful when they are connected. But if you put too much of that power in one place, some of those hearts might end up breaking. Still Sora, that doesn't mean you should change. Accept the power you're given. Find the hearts that join yours", Xigbar explained, pointing his finger at Sora. "Why would I ever take advice from you?", Sora asked, taking a step forward. "As if! You don't have have any chance but to follow this sweet little trail of breadcrumbs. And in the end, you'll finally realize what density has instore for you", Xigbar explained as he turned around and walked away, but then stopped. "Your reward might be right around the corner. Your so close!", Xigbar said then chuckled as he walked away into the mist. "Hearts breaking? Whose hearts?", Sora asked himself and looked down. "Sora, don't let him bother you. He's just trying to get under your skin cause he thinks you can", Hercules said, walking up to him. "He's right Sora, don't let him get inside your head. Your stronger then he is, and much smarter", Viki said, putting her hand on his shoulder, causing Sora to look up. "Heh, thanks Viki", he said, smiling at her. "That's why I come with you on your journeys big bro, so you won't get lead into darkness", she said, smiling back at him. They soon walked away to see if anyone else needed help but Viki stopped walking. "Is something wrong?, Goofy asked her. "No, I'll catch up with you guys in a second. I want to check something real quick", Viki said. Sora, Donald, and Goofy nodded then catch up with Hercules. Viki sighed a bit then turned around and walked down the way Xigbar left. "Am I that handsome that you want to follow me?", Xigbar asked as he hung upside from a fallen pillar and Viki looked up at him. "I just came so you can deliver a message for me to Xehanort", she said and placed her hand on her hip. "And what might that message be, little girl?", he asked. "Tell Xehanort that no matter what challenges or obstacles that he throws at me and my family, the light will always win", she said and placed her hand where her heart was, but also over a heart tattoo that glowed a bit after she said that sentence.

(Sorry that this chapter took so long to write. Finals are here and I had to study but I will be working on Chapter 3 real soon. Stay tuned)

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