Chapter 3

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"Don't get too comfortable Hades!", Hercules yelled out, causing Hades to turn around to see Hercules on Pegasus flying towards him. "We're going stop you", Sora called out, causing Hades to turn around again to see Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy standing in front of the gate of Olympus in their battle stances with their weapons in their hands. Hercules sees them then directs Pegasus to fly down and he used his sword to cut the chains that were on the other gods and goddesses, making Hades very angry. "Get them!", he yelled out a command to the Titans, which three of them walked towards the four slowly. "Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy!", Hercules called out, making the four look up to see Hercules jumping off of Pegasus and landed beside him on his feet. "It's on!", he said and the four nodded in agreement. Suddenly, a rock Titan popped out of nowhere and slammed its fist on top of a pillar. "Oh no! Now there's four of them", Goofy said, getting worried. "So what? There's five of us", Sora said, looking at Goofy. "Yeah, we can take them", Viki said. "Actually, I can make it six", Hercules said then jumped on top of a pile of molten lava and ice and ripped the top open, freeing Zeus. "Noooo!!", Hades shouted, getting angrier. "Thank you, my boy", Zeus said, putting his hands on Hercules's shoulders. "Yeah!", Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy shouted in excitement. "Hah! Now watch your old man work", Zeus said as he lifted some lightning bolts then starts throwing them at the Titans, who start to walk away. Hercules then used the Tornado Titan to suck up the rest of the Titans then threw them to space where they disappeared. "We did it!", Goofy said and they high-fived each other than the two siblings hugged it out. "I can't believe it! I put eighteen years into that plan and you've blippin' up and ruined it!", Hades said in anger, looking at the four. "I really don't like you!", he said, pointing at them. "Just give it up already! You'll never beat Herc, no matter how much you try", Sora said, rolling his eyes a bit. "Hey, stay in the underworld where you belong", Goofy said. "Go have the time of your afterlife", Donald said. Hades got angrier. "Enough already! I did not come this far to be ridiculed by Zusey high and mighty, his little sunspot, and a quad of clowns!", Hades shouted in anger, fire erupting on his head and shoulders. "You know what? I'll just go ahead and destroy you!", Hades said and Sora, Viki, Goofy, and Donald got into their battle stances. "Hades", a voice said and Hades slowly turned around to look at Hercules and Zeus. "The exit is that way", he said, pointing at the gates. Hades glanced at the Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy but soon calmed down enough to start walking towards the gates. "Hold on, I almost forgot", Hercules said and Hades turned around, only to be greeted by a punch to the face. "That one's for trying to wreck Thebes", Herc said. "You'll pay for this! I have a very, very long memory", Hades said as he sat up and points a finger at Herc then dark clouds surround him. "I can still dunk your little Nut-Meg in a river of de-", Hades started to say but was cut off when Zeus threw a lightning bolt at Hades, making him disappear.

"Are you sure you want to leave all this behind?", Viki asked Hercules as they stand in front of the gates of Olympus. "Isn't Olympus your home?", Goofy asked. "And your family?", Donald added. "I can see my family anytime I want. If I stayed, I'd have to be apart from the person I love most... And that life would be empty", Hercules said then looked down the steps to see Megan waiting for him. "I finally know where I belong", he said then ran down the steps to Megan and gave her a hug, which she hugged him back. The four walked down the steps and smiled at the two. "Sora, we never got back to your question. Can I help?", Hercules asked Sora. "Mmm, it's okay. I think I'm meant to figure it out myself. I'll find my strength the way you found yours. Something to fight for...with all my heart", Sora said and crossed his arms over his chest. "I guess you did have the answer", he said with a smile. "Well, you've got heart, Sora. Just keep at it and I know you'll be stronger than ever", Hercules said with a smile. "Yeah, I might even be stronger than you are", Sora said, flexing his arms. "There he goes again", Donald said and everyone laughs. After they said their goodbyes, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy got back on the ship and flew out of the world.

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