Chapter 5

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"Whaddaya think, guys? This place is even creepier than I remember", Sora said as he, Viki, Donald, and Goofy stood in front of the Haunted Mansion. "Well, they do say that this mansion is haunted", Goofy said, looking at Donald, who agreed with his friend. "Hey there", a voice said behind Viki and she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, causing her to jump in surprise. The four turned around to see Hayner, Pence, and Olette standing behind them. "Thanks for the heart attack", Viki said to Hayner. "Oh, what? Did I scare you", he asked her, which triggered Donald. "Not a chance", he said angrily. "Our bad", Olette said with a small smile. Sora looked at the three friends. "So, how did it go? Did you find any leads?", he asked them. "Nope, 'fraid not. The asking around thing was a total bust", Pence said and Hayner nodded in agreement. "Yup. This mansion is our last hope", he said and they all looked at the mansion. After a while of searching, they found out that Roxas is from other Twilight Town and Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy headed out of the mansion and made their way to the gates. "So, you think you can bring Roxas back?", a voice said behind them, causing them to turn around to see Ansem. "Ansem!", Sora and Viki said together as they got into their battle stances and a darkness portal opened beside them. "Xemnas", Viki said as he walked out of the portal and looked at the four. "Roxas should never have existed in the first place. What you seek is impossible", Xemnas said to them. "Roxas does exist. His heart's inside my heart", Sora said. "And in the unlikely event, you did manage to separate the two, where is it you think you can put his heart?", Xemnas asked him. "Well, Roxas used to live in the other Twilight Town, right? So, I'm just gonna put him back there", Sora said. "Do you even realize what you are saying? The other Twilight Town is just data", Ansem said to him, taking a step forward. "A heart can live anywhere. Even inside data. There are hearts all around us", Viki said, causing the two white hair men to look at her. "Ansem and Xemnas used to be part of the same person, right? But look. Now, they exist separately just fine. If they can do it, then I don't see any reason why you and Roxas can't find a way", Goofy said, causing the siblings to look at him. "Oh, yeah," Sora said with a smile. "Yeah! You tell 'em, Captain Goofy!", Donald said and they all turn back to Ansem and Xemnas. "In that case, by all means", Ansem said with a slight smirk. "Nothing would please us more than Roxas's return, of course", Xemnas said. "You wish. He'll never answer to you again", Sora said and Viki nodded in agreement. "Still so blind. A Nobody is what's left behind when one gives his heart to the darkness. There is only one way to bring Roxas back, which is for you to give your heart up as well. Sora, have you finally decided to call upon the darkness?", Xemnas asked Sora, putting his finger out to him. "What?", Sora asked confused. "Go on then. The shadows are never out of reach", Ansem said with a smirk then a noise was heard from behind, causing the four to turn around and see Heartless and Nobodies. Viki and Sora turn back to the two villains and glared at them. "Now, set your heart free", Ansem and Xemnas said together before disappearing into a dark portal. "Wait!", Viki yelled and ran after them but was too late. "Viki!", Sora, Donald, and Goofy yelled as they watched the Heartless and Nobodies carefully with their weapons and she runs back over, summoning her keyblade. "It's not darkness. Not if it helps him!", Viki said and they all started to fight the darkness off. After they beat the Heartless and Nobodies, they headed into town but stopped to hear someone. "Well, bless my bagpipes! I was you laddies and lass who saved my chef", the voice said and they looked over to see Uncle Scrooge walking towards them with a box in his hand. "It's Uncle Scrooge!", Donald said and waved at him, who waved back. "Wait, didn't he sell ice cream in Hollow Bastion?", Sora asked and Goofy looked at him. "That's right. But, Uncle Scrooge here's what you call a world traveler", he explained. "Cool", Viki said and watched Donald run over to his uncle and followed him. "How are you, Uncle Scrooge?", Sora asked. "Oh! Hello Sora! You're lookin' hale and hearty", he said and sees Viki standing next to her brother. "Viki! It's splendid to see you again lass", he said and she smiled at him. "I heard ye two were on another grand adventure with these two. I hope Donald isn't making a menace of himself", he said, looking at his nephew. "Why did you have to say that?", Donald asked, getting embarrassed. "So, Uncle Scrooge, what's that you were saying 'about a chef'?", Goofy asked. "Och! Right, right. The chef of me bistro here wanted to show ye his appreciation, so he baked this for ye", Uncle Scrooge said and hands Sora the box, which he took then opened the lid. "Wow, cake!", Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy said in excitement together. "The whole thing? For us?", Sora asked Uncle Scrooge and Viki notices his hat was moving a bit. "Aye, settle down... The chef wanted ye to know that it's not a cake, but a Tarte aux fruits", he explained. "He does?", Goofy asked in confusion. "Why are you under my hat? May I introduce to you, little chef", Uncle Scrooge said as he took off his hat and under his hat was the rat they saved from before. "Oh! It's you!", Sora said, surprised. "Uncle Scrooge, you opened a bistro in Twilight Town?", Donald asked his uncle. "Aye, it all started a little while ago when I was enjoying one of the best meals of my life. And when I asked to speak to the chef, I met this wee genius. As it turns out, he wanted to expand his culinary horizons. So, I thought: that's an opportunity. And I financed the whole operation", Uncle Scrooge explained to the four and Little chef (I know his name in the movies is Remy but, I'm going to call him Little chef in this just cause) did some hand motions. "Ooh, I think he wants to cook some more for you. Fetch some ingredients. Especially any unusual", Scrooge said, figuring out what Little chef was doing and the four were surprised. "That'll be fun! Kinda like a scavenger hunt", Goofy said, looking at his friends. "An' the more the better. The mark of a truly great chef is creating masterpieces out of anything. You can start right here in town", Uncle Scrooge said. "We'll do anything to try more of Little Chef's food", Viki said with a smile, making Little Chef happy and Donald and Goofy agreed. "Okay, The ingredient hunt is on", Sora said and Viki, Donald, and Goofy nodded.

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