Chapter 35

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Sora and Viki had split up when they reached a fork in the maze, Sora went to help Mickey fight off Luxord, Marluxia, Xemnas and Larxene while Viki goes to help Riku fight off his past self, Ansem and Xigbar. "Riku!", Viki yelled as she ran over to him and blocks some arrows that Xigbar shot at them. Riku smiled then both of them fight off the bad guys, Riku took on Xigbar while Viki took on Dark Riku. Soon Ansem floated down onto the ground then he releases his darkness into the air, where it creeps up the walls. Ansem then floats back into the air where Riku jumped up to attack him, but Dark Riku kicks him in the stomach. "Riku!", Viki yelled as she watched as her love hit the ground and laid on the ground, his keyblade laying a few feet away from him. She quickly runs over to him and she strikes her keyblade into the ground, where a glowing shield appears just in time to deflect some lasers that Xigbar shot at them. "So, you learned some new tricks huh? Well, put them to the test and speeds things along", Xigbar said as Dark Riku walked up beside him and she glares at them. Riku sits up slowly and groans a bit, looking at her. "Viki, what are you doing?", he asked and she looks at him, giving him a small smile. "Protecting the one I love", she said and he was surprised, but smiled back at her as he stands back up and picks up his keyblade. "Aww, that's so sweet. Too bad that this touching moment will end", Dark Riku said then he raises his keyblade into the air as some purple crystals appear around them and they glow brightly. The crystals then explode and Viki was quick enough to cast a light dome around them to protect them from the crystal shards. "Let's end this, together", Riku said and Viki nods, the dome then vanished and the two ran at Xigbar and Dark Riku. After a while, they both have defeated Dark Riku and he stumbled a bit then looks at his hand. "You're not...real..I'm...the real one..", he said as he clenched his fist and glares at Riku. "Aren't you my past self? From when Ansem possessed me?", Riku asked then Viki saw Dark Riku float out of Riku but....he was glowing with light. "No, you neat Ansem and you're still here. This me", he said as he placed his hand on Riku's shoulder then he flew towards Dark Riku, he punched his fist into his chest and huge amounts of darkness leaves Dark Riku, making him yell in pain. "I knew it. It's a replica. A soon-to-be empty vessel. I've been waiting for a chance like this", he said as he revealed that Dark Riku was a replica then he went into the replica but, instead staying in the vessel he left eh vessel with a limp Dark Riku in his arm. The now-empty vessel fell forward and Riku looked up at his past life. "What are you doing? Take the vessel", he said and Past Riku looks at him. "No. The world already has you and there's someone else who needs the replica more. You know who I mean", he said and Viki was surprised and looks at him. "Namine, you're saving her", she said and he smiled softly before floating down to her. "Viki, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything I have done in the past. All the stuff I did to hurt you, I hope you can forgive me", he said and Viki smiled then placed her hand on his cheek, to which he looked at her. "Of course I forgive you", she said and Past Riku smiled softly as he placed his hand over hers and squeezed it a bit. She placed her hand down as Past Riku floats back up and starts to glow. "Good luck", he said then he disappeared with Dark Riku and all that was left was light and darkness floating up into the air.

It was now time for them to defeat Xigbar and Viki charged at him, slashing his keyblade. He dodged her attacks and kicks her in the stomach, sending her to tumble onto the ground and Riku charged at him. He jumps into the air and casts Dark Firaga at Xigbar, knocking him down. Soon, they defeated Xigbar and he fell to his knees, panting a bit. "Figures. If I had a keyblade, it'd be different...", he said and Viki looks at him. "Like you're actually worthy to use one", she said and he smirks at her. "Oh, I am worthy", he said with a smirk, and Viki and Riku looked at each other confused. "The old coot promised to bequeath me his. Why else do you think I would ever put up with all his nonsense?", he asked them as he stabs one of his guns into the ground so he could stand up. "It'd be wasted on you", Riku said. "As if", Xigbar said and he stumbled back only to vanish within a dark corridor, which caught Viki and Riku by surprise. They looked around then they both looked up to see Xigbar appear on top of one of the walls of the maze, he smirked down at them then takes a few steps back. They watched as Xigbar fell back off the wall and his sharpshooter guns disappeared. The darkness that clouded the walls around them disappeared as well and Riku and Viki looked down at the empty vessel that laid on the ground still. "This is the replica for Namine?", Viki asked and looks at Riku. "Yeah. Wish we could help her now. But first...", he said and looks back at her, she nodded already knowing what he meant. "I know", she said and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm going after Ansem", he said and she nods. "Okay. I'll catch up with Sora and go help the others", she said and he nods back, taking his hand off of her shoulder. He turns to leave but stops when Viki grabs his hand. "Riku, please be safe", she said as Riku turns to look at her and smiled softly. "I promise", he said and placed his other hand on her cheek, which she leans her head into his touch. He smiled more then leans his head down and kissed her forehead softly, which she closed her eyes and smiled. The two pulled away from each other and went their separate ways.

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