Chapter 19

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After what had happened, the gang said their goodbyes to Boo, Sully, and Mike then got back on their ship. "We should go to the realm of darkness", Sora suddenly announced as he stood on his chair and the others looked at him surprised. "Sora, do you even know how to get to the realm of darkness?", Viki asked him which caused Sora to panic then he pulled out his gummi phone. "Well, Riku and King Mickey do", he said, looking at his phone. "They won't tell you", Donald said and Goofy agreed. Sora then sat back down in his seat and yelled a bit but then, he stopped when his phone started to ring. "The King?", Donald and Goofy both asked then Sora answered the call excitedly thinking it was Riku but, it turns out to be Ienzo. "Is this a bad time?", Ienzo asked and Sora, Donald, and Goofy sighed in disappointment. "Anyway, what's up?", Viki asked Ienzo, taking the phone from Sora and looks at him. "So, I have some news about Ansem's Code and the replica we need for Roxas's heart. First, the replica. Even is still missing, but we found some of his research. I'll see what I can learn from it", he explained and Viki nodded. "And as for Ansem the Wise's data, we've discovered a very interesting passage. I'll read to you exactly what he wrote. 'I have discovered one unique heart inside of Sora's and two inside of Viki's. In Sora's heart is Roxas and in Viki's heart, has been with her for nearly as long and the second has resided in Viki's heart for even longer, most of her life. This is a truly astonishing discovery. While these two hearts have now melded with Viki, grown silent and indistinct, Viki regains memories of all two while Sora can regain memories from Roxas. The memories have been compartmentalized each placed in its own 'box,' so to speak. I surmise the hearts can be awoken, provided that each of them is returned to the box that contains the correct memories. Unite the heart with its memories, and provide it a suitable body within which it may flourish, and I believe any or all three of these people can be made real again", Ienzo explained and Sora had got up from his seat and was leaning against the chair. "So I have Roxas in my heart and Viki has two people in her heart?", Sora asked confused and started to think. "Well, thanks for telling us this Ienzo", Viki said then hangs up.

"Pooh Bear!", Sora called out as he and Viki walked over to the certain yellow bear and his pig friend. "You okay?", Viki asked him and Pooh looked up to see his two friends. "Oh! Hello there, Sora and Viki. You're both home", he said to them and the siblings were confused. "Uh...huh. Good to see you Pooh", Sora said, bending down a bit and Viki kneels in front of Piglet. "And you too Piglet", she said then Piglet hugged her, saying hello to them. "You're not in trouble? But we thought something was odd must be going on", Sora said and Viki stood back up. "Hmm, let me see... I don't remember anything oddish, but perhaps I've forgotten. Think, think, think...", Pooh said as he started to tap his head and tries to remember. "Oh, we've got trouble all right!", a voice called and the two siblings looked over to see Rabbit walking over to them. "Would that be the Rabbit sort of trouble?", Piglet asked than Rabbit gave him a look, which made him scared a bit. Sora and Viki laughed a bit then looked to hear a new voice call their name. The two looked over to see a baby purple elephant walking towards them. "Wow! Who's this?", Viki asked then to see Roo pop out from behind the elephant's head then he told the elephant that he knew the siblings. "Hello, my name is Sora and this is my sister, Viki", Sora said, kneeling in front of the elephant and Viki did the same. "And I'm Lumpy, it's nice to meet you", he said then he and Roo started to hop and Gopher comes out of the ground, not happy. "Sufferin' sassafras! Stomp a little louder, why don't you?", he asked the two kids and they said sorry to him. Viki smiled at them then looked up to hear something and she turned around, only to be tackled down by a familiar tiger. "Back for some more bouncin', Viki?", Tigger asked and she smiled, sitting up a bit. "Tigger!", she said, happy to see him again, then he and Roo along with Lumpy started to bounce. Pooh then remembered what the problem was and it was that Rabbit needed help with harvesting his garden so, Sora and Viki helped him with the harvest in his garden then helped him with gathering up the fruit. "Yes! Yes! Look at all this marvelous fruit!", Rabbit said as he and others looked at the huge pile of fruit that Sora and Viki collected. "You know Rabbit, I find that fruit always tastes better with a little honey", Pooh said and Piglet agreed with him. "Sora, Viki, could you two help me with my flower patch? I got a surprise for Pooh", Rabbit asked the two siblings in a whispered tone and the two agreed to help him. The flowers that Rabbit wanted were honeysuckle flowers and the siblings gathered up enough for Rabbit to fill a whole pot of honey for Pooh since that was his surprise. Pooh enjoyed his honey then everyone watched as the petals from some of the flowers flew up into the wind. "Sora, Viki, I believe the ones I should thank for all that yummy, delicious honey is you", Pooh said and both Sora and Viki smiled. "Don't mention it, Pooh, Besides we all helped", Sora said then Pooh was a bit confused. "Um, Sora, Viki? You two used to be right here. Why is that you both went away?", Pooh asked them, putting his paw on his chest where his heart was. Sora and Viki then realized why Pooh said that they were home. "You see when I get a rumbly in my tumbly. It's very hard to think of anything but honey. So I was worried that I might have forgotten you two away", Pooh explained to them, looking sad. "Silly bear, we'd never", Sora said and Viki nodded in agreement. "Oh, good because I want us to be together forever", Pooh said and looks at the two. "Pooh, we are together. There isn't a second that we're not", Sora said, putting his hand on his chest and Viki started to think. 'Expect I can feel it, Our connection's weaken. Why is that?', she thought to herself, frowning a bit. "What's wrong Viki?", Pooh asked, concerned. "Oh, it's nothing. What matters is that I and Sora will be here for now on", Viki said, pointing at Pooh's chest and that made Pooh smile.        

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