Chapter 7

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"It sure is a pretty day", Goofy said as he looked around at the new world he and his friends were in after they left Twilight Town to continue on their adventure. Viki breathed in the fresh air and smiled. "Yeah, the weather is great. It'd be perfect for a picnic", Sora said and Viki nods in agreement. "Why do you think we came here?", Donald asked the siblings. "You got us Donald", Viki said as she walked beside her brother and enjoys the scenery. "We'll figure it out as we go", Goofy said and Donald sighed. "I'm sure we were brought to this world for some good reason, but can't we sweat it later?" Sora asked them. "Fine with me, as long as there's no Heartless", Donald said and Viki goes into deep thought as they walk. 'I wonder why we were brought to this world. Maybe there's another princess here or something. I guess we'll just to wait and fin-' "Make way! Make way! Make way!", a voice yelled out, causing Viki to snap out of her deep thoughts and making her, Sora, Donald, and Goofy turned around to see a man running past them with Heartless behind him. "Heartless!", Sora said and they all summon their weapons along with getting into their battle stances. "You see? Soon as you mention 'em, they show up", Sora said to Donald. "There goes our picnic", Goofy said, looking at Donald. "I didn't do it!", Donald said, getting offended. "S'okay. Let's send these guys packing", Viki said, ready to fight. "Say, since you four seem to know what you're doing, mind if I leave this to you?", the guy who ran asked to them as he hid behind a rock and the siblings looked at him. "Yup. We'll take care of them", Sora said. "Go on, skedaddle", Viki said, finishing her brother's sentence than the two looked back at the Heartless. "You have my thanks", he said and the four started to fight off the Heartless. "Names Flynn, Flynn Rider", Flynn said to them as he watched them fight then got away from the scene. The four finished fighting the Heartless and went to go find Flynn to see if he was okay. "He couldn't have come this way", Donald said as he looked around when they stopped in front of a mountain with vines growing at the bottom of it. "Well, at least he got away safely", Sora said as he puts his arms behind his head and leaned back, only to fall back through the vines. Viki looked up and doesn't see her brother. "Sora?", she asked as she looked around then walked to the vines. "Now Sora is gone too", Goofy said, also noticing Sora wasn't with them anymore. "This way guys! It's a secret passageway", Sora said from the other side of the vines, and Viki, Donald, and Goofy walked through them to see Sora and a tunnel. "Wow", Viki said as she looked around and the four of them walked down the tunnel then Viki and Sora gasped in surprise to see a tower in the middle of a valley. "It's so pretty. I got to take a picture of this", Viki said as she pulled out her gummiphone and turns the camera on. "Are you sure that's a good idea?", Sora asked his sister as he watched her point on the phone at the tower. "Yeah, I'm sure. Just as long as no one from this world sees me doing this", Viki said and takes a picture of the tower. She then puts her phone back in her pocket and the four of them walk up to the tower to get a better look at it. When they got to the tower, they saw Flynn Rider and a girl with very long blonde hair looking at the world like it was her first time outside. "Flynn, good to see you in one piece", Sora said as he, Viki, Donald, and Goofy ran over and Flynn looked at them. "Guys! You're here, and just in time", he said and Sora and Viki were confused then looked over to see the girl giggling and walking in the pond. "Oh..who's she?", Sora asked Flynn. "Uh, that would be Rapunzel. Something tells me that this could be her first time outdoors. Give her a few minutes to get used to it", Flynn said, watching Rapunzel play around. "First time?", Viki asked, surprised. They then followed Rapunzel out of the secret area and watched she went back and forth with herself about going back to the tower or not. "I notice you seem a little at war with yourself", Flynn said to her as she sat against a rock and cried into her hands. "A little more than a little", Goofy said with a slight frown. "More like a lot", Donald added, frowning as well. "Yeah...", Sora and Viki said together in agreement. Rapunzel stopped crying as she looked up then stood up, pointing her frying pan at them. "Stop right there! Who are you?", she said to them, taking them by surprise. "I told you before: my sidekicks", Flynn said, standing in front of her a bit. "Sidekicks?", Sora and Viki asked him at the same time. "May I introduce, uhh...", Flynn said, ignoring their question and gestured them to say their names. "Oh, I'm Sora", Sora said, looking at Rapunzel. Viki, Donald, and Goofy said their names to her as well. "Sora, Viki, Donald, and... Goofy. It's... nice to meet you, too. I'm Rapunzel", she said to them, smiling a bit. "Yep, my sidekicks", Flynn said, feeling proud but Sora pulled him towards them by his elbow. "Since when is that?", Sora asked him, putting his hands on his hips. "Look, she wants to see the lantern show tomorrow night. Now, I'm a nice guy, so I've decided to help her. The only problem is those monsters might show up again. I can get her to the Kingdom-but you guys have are more cut out in combat", Flynn explained to them and soon they agreed to help them and made their way to the Kingdom.

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