Chapter 18

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Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy, Sully, Mike, and Boo helped the CEA put out some fires that the Unversed had caused and they were soon finished. "Thank you! You did great", Sully said to one of the agents of the CEA, who was on top of a crate. "Yes, sir. We will be on our way", he said to Sully, saluting then he and the rest of the agents of the CEA left. The group then walked towards an entrance of the other side of the factory that would lead them to the door vault but then, a machine made a noise beside them. They all ran away as the machine exploded then other stuff started to explode around them and a huge pipe falls, blocking their way into the factory. "Oh, great. This time we're stuck", Mike said, looking down and Donald and Goofy looked down a bit. "Sully, got any ideas?", Viki asked him then Sully started to think as Boo hopped down of his arms then walked over to the huge pipe that fell. "Kitty!", Boo said, running back to Sully then see that the pipe leads to another way to the factory. "Let's go", Sully said then he walks towards the pipe but, Mike stops him. "What?! Wait a sec, I thought we were going straight to the door vault. They only place that pipe leads to is the cooling tank. You sure you don't have a better idea?", he asked his friend, but Sully told him to trust him and they all made their way up the pipe. They finally made it to the door vault and everyone started to look for Boo's door, then Randell showed up again. "Didn't you learn your lesson with that pile-of-junk fiasco?", Mike asked him and Randell just smirked. "Oh, I learned a lot", he said then moved away, revealing the machine from before but, it was different. Mike rolled his eye then walked towards the machine. Boo noticed something from the machine then hides behind Viki, getting scared. "Wait, Mike, something's different", Sully warned him, but Mike didn't listen. Then, black goo started to flow out of the machine, catching Mike by surprise then Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Sully ran up to fight the Unversed while Viki got Boo to safety.

The Unversed was defeated and Randell was banished once again, Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy, Sully, Mike, and Boo returned to the scare floor with Boo's door when they all saw a person in a black cloak walk up to them. "Who are you?", Viki asked the person. "Gotta say, that strange facade had fooled me a bit, brother", the person said as he took off his hood, to reveal a black helmet. Viki was surprised and confused at this person. "Wait a were at the cathedral and hey, who are you to call anyone strange?", she asked, remembering him from the past and Donald and Goofy were wondering if they met him before. "We haven't ever met in the flesh. I am Vanitas", he said, introducing himself, catching Donald and Goofy by surprise. "This is the part where you spout some mumbo jumbo and disappear, right?", Sora asked, stepping up beside his sister. "This whole world... was powered by screams. They converted the screams of human children into energy and this very company was what made it all happen. It's as rich of negative emotion as we'll ever find", Vanitas explained to them as he walked over to a desk and picked up a canister before walking back to the group. "For the last time, we already stopped doing that!", Mike shouted in anger as he stepped up. "Did you? Then how do you explain all these canisters of surplus scream? This facility was everything I could hope for and I was lucky enough to find a pawn whose heart was darkened by thoughts of revenge", Vanitas said, holding up the canister and flipping it in his hand. "All Randell ever cared about was winning and this guy took advantage of that weakness", Sully said, looking at Vanitas. "My heart is made up of just one thing and the Unversed collected enough screams and sadness from those children to reconstruct it", Vanitas said, looking at the canister. "Yeah, and the whole time they were trashing our company in the process!", Mike said as he started to walk towards him but, Sully stopped him. "But, even with all this negative emotion, my heart is still incomplete. I need something else", Vanitas said then dropped the canister, making the scream energy burst out and sent the canister flying around the room. It then stopped and rolled across the floor, stopping at Viki's feet. "The half of me that sleeps on...inside of your heart", Vanitas said as Viki turned around to see him pointing his keyblade at her. "Vanitas!", she yelled but, her voice was different which caught her by surprise. "Ventus, what a strange place to slither off to. You insignificant speck", Vanitas said as he lowered his keyblade and steps towards her, putting his hand out but, Sora smacked his hand away and pulled Viki behind him to protect her. "What are you talking about?", she asked him. "Oh, you wouldn't remember. When you were little, you formed a special bond with a boy named Ventus who joined with your heart", Vanitas explained and the four then realized that one of the lost keyblade wielders was inside Viki's heart. "How is that possible?", Viki asked looking at her hand then quickly look up to see darkness radiate off of Vanitas. "Now, you will return Ventus to me", he said then Viki yelled in pain as she fell to her knees, holding her chest. Donald and Goofy got in front of Viki and puts up a protection force field as Sora kneeled beside his sister. "The King told us about this. Ventus wasn't able to defeat Vanitas. They struck each other down, and then the King said Ventus's heart never returned to him", Goofy explained and Sora helped Viki up onto her feet. "Stay out of this", Vanitas said then send a wave of darkness at them, sending Sora, Donald, and Goofy flying back away from Viki. "Viki!", they called out as Vanitas walked closer to Viki and she summoned her keyblade to fight him, but he hits it out of her hand. "Join your heart...with mine!", Vanitas said then went to strike Viki but Sully stopped him with a roar then picked him up. "Over here, Sully!", Mike called then Sully ran over and threw Vanitas through the open door. 

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