Chapter 6

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"Hey, guys!", Hayner said as he and Olette ran over to the four friends who were standing by a table with Little Chef and Uncle Scrooge. "Hayner! Olette!", Sora said and Viki smiled at them then Uncle Scrooge walked up to the two. "Hey, boss. Done with the posters", Hayner said to him and Donald along with Goofy were surprised. "Aye, good work, kids", Scrooge said to them. "You guys work for Uncle Scrooge here at the bistro?", Goofy asked them, causing Hayner and Olette to look at each other. "Umm... do we?", Hayner asked. "He gave us a short job putting up these special posters. Mr. McDuck's hosting an open-air film festival in the courtyard. Cool, huh?", Olette asked as she pulled out a poster and showed it to the two siblings. "Oh Sora, hold your phone up to the poster", she said and Sora did so. "There, you've just downloaded a promo game from the film. You can try it later", Olette said and Viki used her phone to download the game as well. "You did all this, Uncle Scrooge?", Donald asked as he looked at his uncle. "Of course, laddie. Provide a bit of entertainment, and then give folks a nice, cozy place to relax. Like me bistro here. They'll all be happy, an' hungry, an' eager to spend their money", Scrooge explained, getting a bit greedy. "Gawrsh, he sure is canny. I always wondered how keeps customers comin' into his business over and over", Goofy said and Sora and Viki nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm no business girl, but I hate to be one of Uncle Scrooge's competitors", Viki said, making everyone laugh and agree. "Oh! Right. We need to warn you guys", Sora said, looking at Hayner and Olette. "Why?", Hayner asked. "Well, those creepy-crawly things might come back for more, so stay on your toes", Sora explained to them. "Sure. But don't we have you guys to take care of 'em for us?", Hayner asked and Viki stands next to her brother when Olette realized something. "You have to leave again?", she asked them. "It's our job", Donald said. "But we'll definitely be back", Goofy said. "When ye gonna slow down?", Hayner asked them. "Sorry, just do us a favor", Viki said. "Well, what is it? Don't make it too tough", Hayner said and Viki smiled a bit. "I know how Roxas feels. To be lost. But Donald and Goofy ....Kairi...even Viki brought me back by wishing with all their hearts. So... I was hoping the three of you would do the same, and wish for Roxas", Sora explained to them. "What? That's it? That's no favor. We'll all wish. I'm wishin'", Hayner said and looks at Olette with a smile. "Yeah! Me and Pence too", Olette said and looked at the siblings. "Thanks", Sora said with a nod. What they didn't know was on the roof of a building just across the street was Ansem and Xemnas, watching them closely. Behind the two, a dark portal opened up, and out came Xigbar. "Aren't you making it a little too obvious?", he asked the two as he walked up to them. "We were instructed to guide them", Xemnas explained. "Yeah... just look at them. They wouldn't get far if we did not spell it out", Ansem said, looking at the group as they talked some more. "Fair enough. But let's not forget how many times Sora still managed to rain on our parade", Xigbar said, looking at Ansem. "If he wavers from the path we lay, we destroy him", Ansem said simply. "But what about his sister? We all know how powerful she is since the old man's daughter's heart is inside her without her even knowing" Xigbar said and Ansem looks at him. "She already knows how powerful she is, trust me," he said and looks back down at the group.

Sora and Viki went to the kitchen to check on Little Chef to see if he made the food yet but when they went into the kitchen, they didn't see any food. "He hasn't started?", Sora asked as he looked around and Viki did the same. "Oh no!", Sora yelled and Viki quickly looked over to see Little Chef on her brother's head and watched as he controlled Sora to pick up a pan and spatula. "You're going to make me cook?", Sora asked Little Chef, who nods his little head. Viki giggled and Sora gives her a look. "I'll help you guys", Viki said and then helps the two create some meals.

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