Chapter 24

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Master Xehanort was standing on top of a rock pillar, looking at the sky as he was in deep thought. A dark corridor opened up on a pillar near him on another pillar and he looked to see it was Xigbar. "Well?", he asked and Xigbar looked at him. "She is learning more about her power", he said and Xehanort nodded. "Good, inform the others that it's almost time", he said where Xigbar nodded and disappeared within another dark corridor. Xehanort then teleports off of the rock pillar and appears at a cave. He walks into the cave and looks up at something. The thing he was looking at was Alexis, who was trapped in a darkness orb and she had her eyes closed. "Soon my daughter, you will fulfill your fate", he said and smirks.

"Oh, wow", Sora said as he, Viki, Donald, and Goofy arrived at a new world after helping their friends in the Caribbean world. Viki looked around at the bright colors of the new world they were in and she stopped, only to place a hand on her heart. She could feel her heart almost beating faster, not from excitement but from....fear? "I feel so metropolitan!", she heard her brother say then walked over to keep up. "Uh, cosmopolitan?", he asked, trying to find the right word. "Not-apolitan!", Donald yelled at him and Viki rolled her eyes while Goofy laughed. Sora then takes out his gummiphone. "What are you doing Sora?", Viki asked him as he pressed a few buttons. "I gotta tell Riku what a blast this place is", he said. "But we just got here. We haven't even done anything yet", Goofy pointed out and Viki takes his phone and Sora looks at her surprised. "You can tell Riku after we're done dealing with the heartless", she said to him then they all stumbled when a big explosion was heard and the ground shook. The gang then looked over to see a group of flying heartless on the bridge and they summoned their weapons. They made their way over to the heartless but they stopped when a body flew above their heads and landed on the ground behind them. "Go Go! You okay?", a voice asked and the two siblings looked to see a robot fly above their heads and the robot landed by the girl, a boy got off of the robot's back and kneeled by the girl. "Oh cool! A robot!", Sora yelled as he ran over to the boy and robot, Viki, Donald, and Goofy following him. "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion", the robot said, waving at them. "This rules!", Sora said, getting excited. "Sora, remember the problem we have", Viki said and points back at the heartless. "Oh right, let's go", he said then the gang runs towards the heartless to fight them.

((I am so sorry for not updating, with everything that has been happening I needed a break. But now I'm back to updating))

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