Chapter 36

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Viki and Sora got up with each other and ran down the maze again. They then stop when they reached another fork in the path, on the left lead to Aqua and Ventus who were fighting Terranort and Vanitas while on the right lead to Axel and Kairi who were fighting Saix and a cloaked figure. "You go help Aqua and Ven, I'll help Kairi and Axel", Sora said and Viki nods in agreement, the two then split up and ran down the different paths. Viki summons her keyblade as she makes it into the area where Aqua and Ven were and runs over to the two. "Aqua! Ven", she shouted which caused the two look over and see her. "Viki", Ven said, happy to see her than the three of them take on Terranort and Vanitas. Viki jumps up as she dodged the fast attacks from Terranort and blocks the attacks from Vanitas. The fight against them was tough and Viki was starting to lose her breath when from the sky shoots down a beam of light, it lands between the three guardians of light and the bad guys. The beam disappears to reveal a girl wearing a similar outfit as Aqua but it was white and gray. Her hair was short and pure white while her eyes were dark green. Aqua and Ventus gasped in shock and the girl summoned her keyblade, it was Alexis's keyblade. "Alexis?", Aqua asked and Alexis looks over at her and smiled a bit. "Hello Aqua", she said and looks at Ventus, who looked like he was about to cry. "Hello Ven, sorry I wasn't there in person to wake you up", she said but, Ven smiled and sniffles a bit. "But how? How did you return to your body? I thought I destroyed you", Terranort said and Alexis looks at him, pointing her keyblade at him. "That's what you thought, let's just say after all the years I've been in Viki's heart to heal I learned a few tricks from the adventures she went on. That Alexis that you 'destroyed', was merely an illusion so I could get away fast enough before you noticed", she explained to him and Terranort glares at her. Vanitas looked at her and takes a step forward. "But, how did you find your body?", he asked and she looks at him. "Simple, I let my heart find my way back", she said then gets into her fighting stance, she was ready to fight. Terranort grips his keyblade and charged at her at a fast speed, swinging his keyblade at her to which she blocked easily with her own. Their keyblade grinding against each other and sparks flew, he shoved her back and keeps attacking her. Viki watched them fight and went to help but, she was stopped by Vanitas and he points his keyblade at her. "You will not help her, this is a fight only for her to do on her own", he said and she glares at him. "But aren't you worried that she'll get hurt?", she asked him and he tilted his head a bit. "Why would I be worried?" he asked and Viki takes a step forward. "Because you care about her the same way Ventus and Aqua do", she said and that caught both him, Aqua, and Ven by surprise. "I...I don't know what you're talking about", Vanitas said, trying to deny his own feelings. "It's true, Alexis told me about how she helped you to become a good person, not just another pone for Xehanort to use in his game. You care about her like she was your sister", Viki explained and Vanitas's hand starts to shake then Ventus walks up. "Is it true?", he asked him and Van looked away, keeping his grip on his keyblade. "So what if it is true? Alexis cared more about you than me, you were always perfect while I was just in your shadow", he said and looked down, Ven frowns a bit then walks towards him. He placed his hand on Van's shoulder which caused him to look up and look at him. "She cares about both of us, equally", he said and Van was surprised. He then felt something change in his chest, where his heart would be. He drops his keyblade and the glass part of his helmet cracks and pieces fall off, revealing his face which looked like...Sora's face?!?! Viki was shocked then she, Van, Ven, and Aqua looked over when they heard a yell in pain and saw Alexis crash to the ground on her side with her keyblade laying a few feet away from her. Terranort landed on the ground and smirks as he walked up to her and kicks her, making her lie on her back. "You're still weak", he said then raises his keyblade, ready to strike her down. Vanitas and Ventus both looked at each other and nodded, knowing what they should both do. They then both ran over before Viki or Aqua could and they stand in front of Alexis, blocking Terranort's attack at the same time.

After a while, Terranort was soon defeated and fell forward, laying on his stomach. "Terra!", Alexis, Aqua, and Ventus yelled as they ran over and helped him up, leaving Viki and Vanitas. "Aqua...Ven...Alexis...", Terra said then he groans in pain and holds his head. "Terra! Your friends are here!", Viki yelled, encouraging him to fight back against the darkness. He groans then he yells in pain and out of nowhere, dark chains wrap around Aqua, Ventus, and Alexis and jerked them up into the air. More chains appeared and some wrap around Viki and Vanitas, jerking them up into the air. They were all hung up into the air and struggled to get free from the chains. "You have to fight the darkness!", Viki shouted to Terra as he stood up with his hand over his face then he smirks. "You'll never break these chains. They're our bonds", he said then he makes the chains jerk and tosses Aqua and Ventus around like ragdolls. Alexis gasps as she watched and struggles more against the chains, she looks to see more chains coming right at her. The number of chains wraps around her until she was trapped with a ball of chains. "Alexis!", Vanitas shouted but the chain jerks him back and slams him against the wall, knocking him out. "Stop, Terra! Please, stop it!", Viki yelled, begging him to stop which he did, Aqua and Ventus now hanged limp in the chains. "Terra...I kept my promise", Ventus said quietly as a tear falls from his eye then Terranort drops both him and Aqua to the ground. Before they hit the ground, Ansem's guardian shoots out of the ground and flies towards them, catching them both in its arm and he grabs the chains in its other hand. Terranort gasps in shock and glares at it, it glared back at him then crushed the chains in its hand. All the chains shattered and Viki falls to the ground, landing on her feet. The guardian gently laid Aqua and Ventus on the ground before it flew and caught Alexis and Vanitas, who also fell to the ground after the chains shattered. It laid both of them by Aqua and Ventus then looks at Terranort. "How?! You fell to the dark-" before Terranort could finish his sentence, the guardian appeared behind him and grabbed him by his face, lifting him up. The guardian then fumbles to grab a hold of the bandages around its mouth but, it finally got a hold of them and rips them off. It takes deep breathes and starts to talk. "One day...I...will...set...this...right...", it said then it held Terranort out in front of it, he was trying to remove its hand from his face. "One day...I will set...this right...I will return to this land...and friends!", Terra's voice said from the guardian and the chest part were a heart shape was and Viki summoned her keyblade. "Terra now!", she shouted as she pointed her keyblade at Terranort and a beam of light shoots out, holding him still enough for Terra's heart to return to his body and banish the darkness. Terra was now back. 

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