Chapter 23

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"Take this!", Viki and Sora both shouted as they slashed down the large, flying heartless which looked like a metal bird and the heartless glowed a light purple then disappeared in a puff of smoke. "All right!", Sora said then Viki looked around to see the smaller flying heartless disappear into puffs of smoke, one by one. "Wait!", Viki yelled as she realized that she and Sora were still in the air then they looked at each other before falling towards the water. "Viki!", Sora shouted and before she could respond, they both hit the water. They sink slowly and Sora swims towards Viki but before he could reach her, he passes out due to the lack of oxygen. After a while, Sora then woke up to the sound of Donald and Goofy calling his name then he slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on some sand. He slowly sat up and looked around, seeing him, Donald, and Goofy were on an island. "Where are the others?", he asked, not seeing the Black Pearl. "After you fell, we went looking for you. I guess they must have kept going", Goofy explained then Sora looked around once more. "Wait, where Viki?", he asked.

Viki gasps for air as she wakes up then rolls over onto her side and coughs up some water. She pants heavily then sits up slowly and looks around at where she was, she found herself on a ship but it wasn't the Black Pearl. She slowly stood up on her feet and looked around at the ship. "Where am I?", she asked herself then quickly turned around to hear some hissing behind her and she saw a dark corridor open before her but nothing came out of it. She was confused but she felt some sort of feeling to go near it and without even knowing, she walked towards the corridor and reached her hand out to it. Her hand touched the darkness and suddenly a sharp pain went through her as if someone stabbed her from behind then Viki was pulled into the corridor by some strange force. She gasped in surprise as she got pulled through the corridor and she soon found herself on another ship but, this ship was familiar. It was the same ship that sent the heartless after them. "Wait, then that would mean-", Viki started to say but quickly turned around to hear clapping. "Well, well, well. Look at who I caught", a male said as he clapped slowly and walked towards her, Viki knew who this person was. "Luxord", she said and summoned her keyblade into her hand, causing him to chuckle. "Put your weapon away Viki, I'm not here to cause you or your brother harm", he said and Viki only lowered her keyblade a bit. "Then why are you here?", she asked and before he could answer, another ship sails beside them. "Speaking of your brother", Luxord said with a slight smirk and Viki knew, this wasn't going to end well cause knowing Luxord this was going to be a fun game for him.

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