Chapter 25

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After the gang took care of the Heartless, they followed Hiro, Baymax, and his friends back to their hideout. Which was a garage? Viki stood by Sora, Donald, and Goofy while Hiro and his friends were looking at a screen that was a report of the Heartless attack that happened on the bridge. "What were those things anyway?", the girl in the yellow suit said. "Why not the guys, who actually stop them?" the guy in the green suit said, which caused Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy to chuckle quietly. " Hiro, you never introduced us to them", the girl in the pink suit said, which caused him to get up from his seat and walked over to introduce themselves. "Well, this is the gang. That's Go-Go, he's Wasabi and that's Honey Lemon", Hiro said as he introduced each of his friends then a person who is inside of a monster suit walked up to the four, which caused them to take a step back. "I'm Fred, don't be alarmed. This is not my real body", he explained as he flips the top part of his costume to reveal it was a mask. "Good. For a second, I thought this was the monster w-" Sora started to say but, Donald and Goofy quickly covered his mouth for he could say anything more. "That's Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy. They're..uh.." Hiro said and Sora glanced at a picture of the gang then comes up with an idea. "We're the Keyblade Hero 4!" Sora said, doing a pose and Viki rolled her eyes at the name. Hiro and his friends just looked at him with confusion. "I'm detecting minute contractions in your faces and shoulders perhaps due to the garage's brisk temperature. To remedy that, I will give each of you a hug and warm you with my internal heat source", Baymax said, breaking the awkward silence and his chest glowed a faint orange color.

Sora and Viki were going to help Hiro and his friends fight off the Heartless by showing them different ways to fight them. Both the siblings wore AR devices which Hiro told them that it will see everything they do and log it. Viki was running down the street with Go-Go beside her and she speeds past her, smirking. Viki smiles as she summoned her keyblade and used a speed-boast spell to go past Go-Go in a blur, which Go-Go was shocked. Viki then skids to a halt and runs up the side of a building, using a gravity spell. As she ran up the building, she looked to see Heartless flying straight towards her. She quickly slashes the Heartless, destroying them and she hops on top of the building where Wasabi was. She transforms into her Element form and her keyblade transforms into Double Arrowguns, where she fires off multiple arrows at a group of Heartless. Meanwhile, on another building, Sora was helping Honey Lemon and Fred take on the Heartless. After a while, Sora and Viki met up with each other and both of them were a bit out of breath. They then get a call from Hiro on their headpieces, which they answered. "Thanks, Sora, thanks, Viki. That should be enough data and I think you both sparked some new ideas", he said and both the siblings smiled then Hiro's friends all started to talk at once, which caused Sora and Viki to flinch but smile still.

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