Chapter 13

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"This is Babies and Toddlers. Where do you guys think we should start?", Woody asked them as they entered another mini toy store where they are going to find Hamm and a soldier that the sarge lost connect with. "Sarge, didn't you mention music?", Goofy asked the sarge who came with them and he nodded. "Why don't we look for things that make music?", Sora suggested and Viki smiled. "That's a good idea, that way we can find the soldier that went missing", she said. "That's good thinking for you two", Donald said then walked away laughing. "Wha...What do you mean for us?", Sora asked him then Donald takes off running. "Hey, where ya...", Viki said then she and Sora ran after Donald, laughing. Woody and Buzz watched them and Woody chuckled a bit. "I think they are good guys", he said to his friend. "Well, you wouldn't have trusted them otherwise, and I know your trust is a hard-earned treasure", Buuz said as he looked at Woody, who smiled at him. "Well...for all our sakes, let's hope your right, cowboy. I'm willing to give 'em a chance at least for a little while longer. Especially if it means getting Andy and our friends back", he said then walked over to the edge of the shelf and Woody agreed.

"Talk about cabin fever. Thanks for the save", Hamm said as he walked out of the toy house he was stuck in and Woody, Buzz, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy got him out by using their strength to pull on the doors to open it. "You okay, Hamm?", Woody asked him and Hamm nodded. "Yeah, aside from being locked in, the accommodations were fine", he said as he gestured his head towards the toy house he was locked in and Donald went to get a look at it. "Aww. What a tiny little house", he said as he stepped into the tiny house and looked around when suddenly a huge toy peeked into the window, causing Donald to freak out. "She's back! That's the doll that pig-penned me!", Hamm said as he backed away a bit when the possessed doll came into view. "Hamm, take cover", Woody said and Hamm did just that. "Guys, look alive", Sora said as he summoned his weapon, and Viki, Donald, and Goofy summoned their weapons. They all fought the possessed doll and won the fight. Everyone went to look for the aliens but Buzz stopped and looked at the doll. "Wait, what if we end up just like her? Forgetting ourselves and attacking each other?", he asked, causing everyone to stop and look over. "No way, Buzz. That won't happen", Sora said and Viki, Donald, and Goofy agreed with him. "You can't be sure! What if I get taken over, the attack you?", Buzz asked him as he walked up, getting angry. "Buzz, you're overthinking it", Woody said as he puts his hand on his friend's shoulder, causing Buzz to look at him. "Yeah. The Heartless-the darkness- can only creep in when our hearts flutter. Trust us, you'll be fine if you don't lose heart", Viki explained and puts her hand where her heart was. "Well, that's good. Because I know you, Buzz. You'll never lose heart when it comes to your friends", Woody said as he looked at his friend and tipped his hat up a bit. "True enough cowboy. Sorry to have worried you all", Buzz said, looking at them and they went to find the others.

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