Chapter 9

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Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy sat on the docks, waiting for the lantern show when Viki's stomach grumbles a bit in hunger. "Someone's hunger", Goofy and Donald laughed a bit. "Go get something to eat before the lantern show starts", Sora said and Viki nods as she got up and walked back to the village to get something. She buys some food from a vendor then starts to head back to the docks when she notices movements from the corner of her eye. She turned around to see someone in a black cloak leaning against a wall, looking at her. She looked at the person then started to walk away then hears footsteps behind her and she knew the person was following her. She quickens her pace then suddenly, she gets dragged into an alleyway and pinned against the wall. "Let me go", she said as she struggled and she froze in her stop when she saw the person pull down their hood, revealing a familiar boy she met in the past who she didn't think she would meet again. "You," Viki said surprised and the boy smirked. "Miss me?" he asked and before she could answer, she heard her brother's voice in the distance. "Viki?", Sora's voice called out, causing the boy to put their hood back up and disappears within a dark portal. Viki walked out of the alleyway then went over to her brother, who hugged her close and explained how worried he was. "Sorry Sora, I didn't mean to make you worried", Viki said as she hugged her brother back then the two looked up to see the lanterns flying in the air, causing them to smile at the sight. The two siblings walked back to Donald and Goofy, but then stopped when they heard a noise behind them. They turned around to see the same Nobodies from before showing up. "Could you guys have possibly picked the worse time?", Sora said and Viki gives her brother a look. "I don't think they appreciate the moment Sora", Goofy said. "Not one bit", Donald added. Viki smirked and summoned her keyblade. "It's time for these wet blankets to go!", she said and Sora, Donald, and Goofy summoned their weapons as well then all of them fight off the Nobodies.

After the fight, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy went to go find Flynn and Rapunzel. Viki saw that the boat they were on before on the shore on the other side of the bridge so, they went to check it out. "Hey, isn't that Rapunzel?", Sora said as they stopped and Viki looked over to see indeed Rapunzel but, with someone else. "Wait, Rapunzel-", Viki started to call out when a dark portal opened up in front of them, causing the four to get into their battle stances and from the portal was Marluxia. "Show some decorum", he said with a slight smirk. "Marluxia", Sora and Viki said in unison. "The girl has found her dear mother. You should let them be", he said, looking over at Rapunzel and her mother before looking back at the four. "And why is that?", Viki asked him. "Because Rapunzel is far too important. Atop of her tower, she must remain out of sight, and live out her days with Mother Gothel", Marluxia explained to them. "And never see anyone else?", Goofy asked. "But's that like... locking her up in some prison", Sora said and Viki got a bit angry. "That is exactly what it's like. Rapunzel's hair holds the powerful magic of healing. And yes, Mother Gothel wants it for herself. As do others. And, if Mother Gothel's actions will protect Rapunzel, preserve her... then she is doing the Organization a favor", Marluxia explained to the four. "What favor?", Viki asked, getting angrier. "Let's just she's keeping Rapunzel on the shelf for us. An extra pawn in case you fail to find the remaining guardians of light, and we have occasion to call on other hearts of light instead. A New Seven Hearts to fill out the ranks", Marluxia said and both Viki and Sora were confused. "New Seven Hearts?", Viki asked confused. "Yes. Seven who inherited the princesses' light after their role was fulfilled", Marluxia said. "So, you don't care about her. You guys just want Rapunzel for your purpose! Well, you're done here!", Sora said in anger and summoned her keyblade, Viki doing the same. "Hmph. I just knew you would go and make a scene. Very well, then it's lights out for you", Marluxia said then waved his hand at Sora, sending a sleeping mist at him. Viki's eyes widened then quickly shoved Sora out of the way, the mist hits her instead and she started to get tired, dropping her keyblade. "Viki!", Sora, Donald, and Goofy yelled out as Viki started to close her eyes and fell forward. "You always were a hero", Marluxia said before Viki fell into darkness when she hit the ground.

Viki looked around as she stood in the middle of the ocean and she looks around, not seeing any islands or any land. "Where am I?" she asked herself then she takes a step forward and she expected herself to fall into the water but, instead she stayed above the water. She was surprised then kept on walking above the water, she looked around for any sign of land or anything in her case. The sky then suddenly turns dark and she stopped walking, she looks ahead and saw someone standing there. "Ansem", she said then goes to summon her keyblade but before she could, a dark shadow looms over her and she takes a step back. The looming shadow then crashes down on her, making her fall back and she fell through the water. She panics a bit and tries to swim up but it felt like invisible chains were pulling her down deeper into the water. 

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