Chapter 40

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"Whoa, whoa, this is some serious trouble", Axel said as he, Roxas, Xion, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Vanitas, Riku, Kairi, and Viki floated in the air. They have been sucked into Kingdom Heart after Alexis's light went out and several armored figures appeared. The sky was filled with keyholes that looked like it led to different dimensions or something like that. "We're trapped!", Ventus said as they all summoned their keyblades and the armored figures surrounded them. "Come on! We all have to work together!", Terra said and Aqua nodded in agreement. "Riku, Kairi, Viki, are you ready?", Mickey asked them and the three nodded. "Yeah...we can do this!", Riku said and Viki nodded. "Let's go!", she said and they began to fight.

"It wasn't your decision to make", Sora said to Xehanort as he landed on the ground, the x-blade laying in front of him. Sora had finally defeated Xehanort with the help of Goofy and Donald. "Then whose was it? The World needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong, to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny", Xehanort said as he stood up with the help of the x-blade and looks at him. "If so, you're not that person, Xehanort", Sora said and he glared at him. "A real leader knows that destiny is beyond their control...and accepts it", he said, Xehanort glares at him then smirks. "You...make me think of an old friend...and my daughter", he said and Goofy looked up. "Look!", he said as he pointed at the sky and Sora looked up to see Kingdom Hearts opening up, from it 10 orbs of light come flying out of it. The orbs then start floating down and it was revealed to be Riku, Kairi, Viki, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and Vanitas. They all land on the ground and looks at Sora. "You made it!", he said, happy to see them and Mickey steps up. "Are you okay?", he asked and Sora, Goofy, and Donald nodded. "Kingdom Hearts is closing on the other side. But we managed to follow our hearts to you", Riku said as he stepped up and Sora smiled. Terra then turns around to see Master Xehanort and walks up to him, but Aqua grabs his arm to stop him. Terra looked at her and Aqua looked back, then let him go. Ventus and Vanitas walked up beside Aqua as they watched Terra walk up to Xehanort and the two just looked at each other. "There's more to light then meets the eye. As I told you", Terra said to him and Xehanort's eyes widened. "You sly fox...", he said then Terra started to glow, and out from his chest was an orb of light. The orb then shines brightly and then a figure formed. Ventus and Aqua gasped in surprise to see that the figure was Master Eraqus. "Now, hand over the x-blade Xehanort" Eraqus and Terra said while Eraqus put his hand out. "It's too late", Xehanort said, glaring at him. "For us, perhaps...but not for them", Eraqus said and looks at the others, but mostly at Sora, Viki, Kairi, Riku, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. Eraqus then looks ahead to see Xehanort pointing the x-blade at him. "No...I can do this", he said but his friend could see how weak he was, he walked up and placed his hand on the x-blade while he placed his other hand on Xehanort's shoulder. "Enough, checkmate", Eraqus said. Xehanort looked at his friend then he walks up to Viki and Sora, he looked at the x-blade in his hand. "Very well done", he said then gives the blade to the siblings, the two looked at each other then takes the x-blade. After they took it, the x-blade started to glow brightly and an orb of light leaves it. Everyone watched as the orb floats in the air and a figure starts to form. Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and Vanitas watched as the figure turned out to be Alexis, but she was truly back now and she lands on the ground. She looks around confused then looks at her hands. "I'm back?", she asked then turns to face the others only to get greeted by Ventus and Vanitas hugging her tightly. "We thought you were gone", Vanitas said and Ven nodded in agreement. Alexis smiled softly and hugs the two boys close, tearing up a bit. "I would never leave you two, never again", she said and Ven and Van teared up as well. The three stayed in the hug then let go of each other when Terra and Aqua walked up. Alexis looks at Aqua and smiled softly, she smiled back then the two girls hugged. "I thought after all these years, you were gone for good", Aqua said and Alexis looks at her. "I told you before, no matter what happens I will always be with you", she said and lets go of her friend then she looks at Terra. He smiled softly and puts his arms out, Alexis tears up then she runs into his arms where he picks her up and spins her around. The two similed since they were together again, Terra sets her down and kissed her forehead softly. She smiled softly and looks over at Xeahnort and Eraqus, she walked over to her father while Terra, Aqua, and Ventus walked over their their master. Xeahnort looks at his daughter then gently held her hands. "Alexis, I am sorry for what all I have done. I was blinded by my greed to control Kingdom Hearts that I put you in danger. Will you forgive your old man?", he asked her and she smiled softly, tearing up and she hugs him. "Of course I", she said and he hugged her back, happy that his daughter had forgave him. She lets him go then went back to her friends but stopped to hear Xehanort grunt in pain. Alexis went to help him but, Earqus was already there. "Here. Ready, my friend?", he asked him as he helped Xehanort to stand and puts his arm around his shoulder. "Yes...", he said then he started to glow and both of them then went to Kingdom Hearts. 

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