Chapter 11

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"Sora, what about the power of waking?", Donald asked Sora as they flew through space in their gummi ship and Sora looked at him. "You had to remind me", Sora said to him, getting a bit annoyed. "Well gawrsh, we just wanna help keep ya motivated", Goofy said and Sora got a bit upset that he hurt his friends. "I was thinking about Roxas. He's trapped in my heart. But...he needs a body to be himself again ", Sora said, putting a hand to his heart. "Aw, don't worry. Izeno's workin' on a way to get him free. I betcha he's got the perfect body all lined up", Goofy said, trying to make him feel better. Jimmy then hops onto Sora's shoulder to talk to him. "You've got the Gummiphone, Sora. Why don't you give him a call?", he suggested and Sora agreed then pulled out his phone and tries to call Izeno, then King Mickey answers the call. "Oh! Hiya Sora!", he said, getting Donald and Goofy's attention quickly. "Our majesty!", they said together as Goofy pushed Sora's face away and he and Donald got in front of the camera. "Come on guys, you don't have to push Sora away every time you see King Mickey", Viki said as she walked over to the three and leans against Sora's chair. "Oh, Hiya Viki", Mickey said and she smiled. "Hello Mickey", she said. "Did I call the wrong number?", Sora asked, getting Goofy's hand out of his face. "No, Riku and I are visiting Radiant Gardens. We were just about to call you guys, but it looks like you beat us to the punch", Mickey explained then moved a bit to let Riku come into frame. "Sora, Viki, is something wrong?", Riku asked as he knelt on one knee to get in the frame better. "I wanted to pick your brain. For us to recomplete Roxas, he needs a body right?", Sora asked, causing Mickey and Riku looked at each other. "Yeah, to put his heart in", Mickey said then Riku started to think. "Replicas", he said, making Sora confused and Viki perked up. "Well, replicas are human", Riku explained. "Uh, what?", Sora asked confused. "Oh, wouldn't remember. The previous Organization 13 developed, 'replicas': realistic vessels to place hearts in. They're so real that you'd mistake them for people and with hearts, the replicas will become people", Riku explained when he placed his hand over his chest where his heart was. "Cool, but if we get our hands on a replica, will Roxas look like himself when he's recomplete?", Sora asked them and Viki placed her hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at her. "Yup. The replica takes the form of the heart inside it" she said as she remembered the replica of Riku back at Castle Oblivion. "That's perfect", Sora said, getting excited "I'll talk to Ienzo. He was in the Organization back then, he might know more", Mickey said. "Great. Thanks", Sora said then Viki realized something. "Wait, do you guys think they're after replicas too?", she asked and Goofy steeped up. "No, they said 'black box'", Goofy said, coming in the frame and caught Riku's attention. "Who's that?", he asked. "The Organization and Maleficent", Sora said then he realized what he had said. "I ask we forgot to mention it", Donald said, coming into the frame as well. "Aw, it's okay. But there's something you guys should know about one of their members", Mickey said, getting their attention. After Mickey gave them information, the four headed out to the next world.

"Oh my gosh, have we been shrunk?", Sora asked as they entered the world and they looked around to see that everything was bigger than them. "And look at us", Viki said as she takes notice of what they look like and they looked like they were made of plastic. "You know what the magic is for. We have to protect the world order", Donald said as he walked up and does a hero pose. "Border?", Sora asked, causing Donald to get angry. "I said order!", he said, stomping his foot down. "Gawrsh, who's gonna protect the order from them?", Goofy asked, pointing at some Heartless and Sora, Viki, and Donald look over. "Heartless!", they shouted then summoned their weapons and ran towards them. Both Goofy and Donald took on two Heartless each while the two siblings took on three Heartless. Soon, all the Heartless were defeated and they make their weapons disappear. "Are they new?", a voice asked and they turned around to see a cowboy, a space person, a pig, and a dinosaur walking over to them. "Wait! Ah-Ah- You look familiar! I know this. You're, uh, you're uhhhhh", the dino said as he ran past his friends then walked up to the two siblings, trying to remember. "Yozora and Nikki-Kun", the pig said as he walked up and looked at the siblings, making them confused. "Huh? My name is Sora and my sister's name is Viki", Sora said then looked down to see a red dot on his chest then Viki looked over to see the spaceman pointing what looked like a laser at him. "Stay back! For all we know, the intruders sent them", the spacemen said as he walked around and watched them closely. "Yozora! Nikki-Kun!", the dino said and hugged the two siblings. "Slow down there, Rex. We don't know them", the cowboy said as he walked over and looked at the two siblings. "But we can trust them. They're the number-one-selling heroes in the country", Rex said. "Yeah, Andy's mom must've bought them for him", the pig said, backing up his friend and the dino shook hands with Sora and Viki. "Hamm's right. Did you see how easily they took care of those intruders? I bet they're here to figure out why all our friends have gone missing and why Buzz's laser started actually laser-ing and all the weird stuff that's been going on. I mean that's what heroes do, right?", Rex asked and Viki was mentally keeping track of their names. "Okay so the dinosaur's name is Rex and the pig's name is Hamm. Now we need to wait and see what the cowboy and the spaceman's names are", Viki thought to herself then looked over at them. "Let's not jump to conclusions", the spaceman said and notices the cowboy thinking about it. "Gotta be smart, Woody", he said to his friend then Woody walked up to the four, making the spaceman surprised. "So you're Andy's new toys?", Woody asked the siblings, which makes them surprised. "Toys?", Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy asked confused. "You sure did a number on those intruders", Woody said, ignoring their question then Goofy, Donald, and Sora explain to them that the intruders were the Heartless and they explained why they were here. "Okay. In that case, you're all right by me. My name's Woody. Put 'er there", Woody asked as he stepped towards them and puts his hand out to Sora, who shook his hand and Vikki did the same. "My name is Sora-" "Yozora!", Rex interrupted and Woody and the spaceman looked at them confused. "Actually, my name is Sora. My sister's name is Viki and this is Donald and Goofy", Sora said as he pointed to his sister and his friends when he said their names. "And I'm Buzz Lightyear", Buzz said and Hamm introduced himself and Rex did the same then talks to the siblings about a boss in the video game that he thinks they were from.

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