Chapter 29

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Sora and Riku had just defeated a tower of heartless that held King Mickey and when it was destroyed, it spits him out and he landed on the beach. Riku can towards the beach to see if Mickey was okay, but Aqua, who was now possessed by the darkness, charged after him and was about to strike him with Mickey's keyblade that she wielded now. Before she could, a beam of light shoots down from the sky and hits the water between the two. Riku was shocked to see Viki after the beam disappeared and she turns her head, smiling at him. He smiled back at her, happy to see her. "How, Viki?" he asked, wanting to know how she got here. She looks at her keyblade then lets it change back to the keyblade the mysterious voice let her use. "I had a little help", she said and looks at the keyblade. "How?", Aqua asked as she stares at the keyblade in Viki's hand, causing Viki, Riku, and Sora to look at her. "How do you have her keyblade?", she asked and looks at Viki. "She let me wield it to save you", she said and gets into her fighting stance, Sora stood beside her as Riku went to check on King Mickey. Sora and Viki charged at Aqua who charged at them at the same time, their keyblades then clashed.

Meanwhile, at the Keyblade Graveyard, Alexis flinched a bit in her dark prison and her chest starts to ooze out streams of darkness. The dark orb that Riku put into Viki's chest had reached Alexis's heart, which was part of Xehanort's plan. He planned that he was going to use Alexis to open Kingdom Hearts for him since from the day she was born, she had a connection with Kingdom Hearts. Like there was an invisible bond that no one saw but her. She struggles against the darkness as it goes through her body and she clenched her fist a bit, at the entrance of the cave stood Master Xehanort and he smirked as he watched what was happening. "It's working", he said and Vanitas walked up beside him, he looked in the cave to see Alexis struggling against the darkness. Even tho he didn't have a heart, he still had feelings and he felt bad for her. When he first arrived in this world after beginning separated from Ventus, Alexis was there to take care of him and help him out. She was like an older sister to him, you could say he loved her in a sibling way. "They have recused Aqua, you follow them to stop them waking up Ventus", Master Xehanort said and Vanitas nodded. 

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