Chapter 31

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As everyone got ready for the big fight, Viki was sitting on the steps outside of Master Yen Sid's tower with Aqua and Ventus. The three of them were looking at the stars and Aqua and Ventus were asking her questions. Well, they were asking Alexis questions. "So, you've been inside Viki's heart this whole time?" Aqua asked and Alexis/Viki nodded. "That's right, just like Ven, I seek shelter in Viki so I could recover", she said and Ven was surprised. "Why didn't you try to speak with me?", he asked and she sighs softly. "I wanted to Ven, I really did. But, I didn't want you to remember all the pain I caused you...:, she said sadly and looks down. "Alexis, what happened in the past isn't your fault", Aqua said and Ventus nods in agreement. "Aqua's right, you didn't know that any of that was going to happen", he said and Alexis/Viki felt a bit better. "Thanks, guys", she said and the two smiled. "Oh, wait", Ven said then reaches into his pocket, where he pulls out the white star-shaped charm he had in his hand. "I still have your Wayfinder", he said and placed in Alexis/Viki's hand, where she smiled and looks at it. "Thank you for keeping it safe", she said and Ven smiled brightly.

Viki was now back on Destiny Island, completely in control of her body. Alexis was now resting in her heart once again and she walks along the beach. She missed feeling the sun's warmth on her skin and the sound of the wave crashing onto the shore. She smiled softly as she looks out at the water and takes a deep breath. "Enjoying yourself?", a voice asked and she looks to see Riku walking up to her. "Of course I am", she said and he chuckles as he stands beside her, his hand brushing against hers. She smiled softly and gently holds his hand, where he laced their fingers together. After a while and Riku and Viki were sitting on the sand, Viki had her head on Riku's shoulder and her eyes were closed. Riku smiled softly when he heard her quiet snores and he kissed her head softly. "How long have you known that I was with you?", a voice asked and Riku looked over and smiled a bit, seeing himself from the past when Ansem possessed him. "You did save me", he said, remembering when he was taken down by a tower of heartless and his past self saved him. "I think you came along for a reason", Riku said and his past self smirked a bit then looks out at the waves. "I didn't make much of myself as a replica. I was a failure, and after you, Viki, and Sora moved on, my body fell into ruin and the darkness took my broken mind. I was ready to give up and let it happen and then, you showed up", Past Riku explained and Riku chuckled a bit. "You took that as a sign?", he asked and Past Riku smiled a bit. "Maybe, I'd rather face my end with you then in darkness", he responded and looks at him. "That's...what you want?", he asked him and Past Riku nodded. "Yeah, but I'm not done yet. Got two last things to see through", he said and looks at the ocean again. Riku smiled a bit and looks at the ocean as well, putting his arm around Viki who still slept by his side. "Take all the time you need", he said. He then looks down at Viki, tomorrow's fight will be the toughest fight they will face and he wants to make sure that nothing happens to her. Since she was his light to face the darkness.

((I wanted this chapter to be short and sweet since the next couple of chapters will be the final battle. A lot of drama and tears will happen so prepare your tissue boxes. Also, for those of you who are confused about how Alexis could talk through Viki. Well, it's similar to when Ventus spoke through Sora in the game in the Monster Inc World. I thought that was cool so I decided to add it to my story. I also want to thank all of those who have made it this far into my story. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Bye))

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