Chapter 12

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"We're here!", Rex yelled as he ran into Galaxy Toys and Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy looked around in awe. The reason why they were at Galaxy Toys is that so they can get Woody's friends back and find out what has happened to the recon team that was sent here. "Hey, why doesn't that toy move?", Sora asked Woody as he looked at a huge red robot toy and Woody as well looked at it. "I guess it hasn't figured it out yet", Woody said and tilted his hat back. "Figured what out?", Viki asked him confused. "I can make it move for you", a voice said and everyone looked up at a platform to see a dark portal open up then out stepped what looked like a young version of Xehanort, looking down at them. "You're from the dream-the first of the Xehanorts!", Sora said, looking up at him. "I'm so honored you remember me", young Xehanort said then he snapped his fingers, which made three Heartless appear and one of them hopped down onto the robot. It got inside of it and took control. "Oh no! He can move!", Woody said as the robot jumped down from its platform and landed on its feet in front of them, also Hamm commented saying that the robot was cool. The robot then went to attack Hamm but before it could, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy got in front of Hamm and blocked the robot's attack with their weapons so Woody can get his friend to safety. "One heart's shadow fills the emptiness of another. See how they bring him to life? Like Heartless and Nobodies, they fit together", Young Xehanort explained as he watched them fight and Sora looked up at him. "Enough, why are you doing this?!", he asked. "There's a darkness we are missing and must reclaim. The way hearts connect in this world can provide us with a clue. So we made a copy of the world and pulled those hearts apart. I wonder how you'll handle the strain", Young Xehanort explained to them then opens a dark portal behind him. "What? What does that mean?", Viki asked him but he already went through the portal then the robot pushed the four back. Woody and Buzz acted quickly and caught them before they hit the ground. "Woody? What's going on? Is this toy a friend or foe?", Buzz asked his friend as they got back up and looked at the toy robot. "I think we found our answer", Woody said, glaring a bit at the toy then they all went for cover as the toy fired laser balls at them. "Sora! Viki! Your up!", Donald said, peeking out of his hiding spot. "Yeah! If the Heartless know how to do it, there's no reason you guys can't", Goofy added, peeking out behind Donald. The two siblings looked over at them from their hiding spot. "Do what?", they asked in unison and their two friends pointed over at the two blue toy robots on their platform, making the two siblings get the idea. "Brillant! We're on it", Sora told them then he and Viki ran over to the toy robots and jumped up into the seats, getting control of the toys. They make the toys jumped down from their platforms and they start to fight off the toy robot that was controlled by the Heartless.

After the battle with the possessed toy, the gang along with Woody and Buzz headed to save Rex who had gotten dino-napped and they walked into the mini toy store to look for him. As they walked into the store, Woody saw something in the corner of his eye. "Rex!", he yelled and ran after the thing he saw, causing the others to stop and when he turned the corner there was nothing there. "Where's he go?", Woody asked himself confused and Buzz looked over at him. "You sure you saw him?", he asked his friend and Woody goes to tell him yes when Sora interrupted them. "Shh. Do you guys hear something?", he asked them and they all looked around. "Hmm, what's that?", Goofy asked as he closely looked over at something then suddenly the stack of boxes went flying to reveal another possessed toy. "Another toy's being controlled!", Viki said as she summoned her keyblade and Sora, Donald, and Goofy summoned their weapons. Buzz looked at the toy worriedly then aims his laser at it. "Buzz, are you sure?", Sora asked him. "If it wanted to play nice, then it should've stayed away from my friends", Buzz said to him and Sora nodded then they all started to fight the possessed toy.

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