Chapter 34

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Sora was now back in the Keyblade Graveyard after he had recused all his friends and sister, he and the others were now facing up against Terranort again. But this time, it was different. Before Terranort could even reach Ventus, suddenly a cloud of dust appears between him and Aqua and Ven. The dust clears to reveal an armored figure who was the one to block Terranort's attack. "It can't be....", Alexis said in Viki's head and Viki was confused. "What's wrong?", She asked her. "That's Terra's will. That was all that was left of him after my father took over his body and his mind. But his will to fight was strong enough to become a form to fight him off. It's been years since I've last seen it", Alexis explained to her as Terra's will and Terranort fought each other off. Soon, the ground started to shake and the others looked to see a stampede of heartless coming right at them. "The others will handle the heartless, I want you to go after Terra", Alexis said to Viki, which she nodded then ran to where the two Terras were fighting as the others fought off the heartless. Viki ran across the dusty valley and looks around for any signs of any of the Terras, she then hears the sound of a clank of metal and she looks up to see a ball of darkness and a ball of light clashing against each other. "Okay Alexis, what's your plan here?", Viki asked her. "I'm going to help Terra as I should have done in the past", Alexis said then Viki looks to see her heart tattoo glow brightly than a small orb of light floats out of her chest. Viki watched as the orb transforms in an armored figure like Terra but, the armor was different and smaller. "Go back to your friends, I will handle this", Alexis said as she summoned her keyblade and Viki just nods, completely speechless then runs back to her friends. Viki made it back just in time to see someone was walking towards them, she stands next to Riku and looks closely at the person. "Just send out the big bad", Axel said and the dust clears a bit to reveal a familiar person, which caused Viki and Riku to get very mad. "You!", Riku yelled in anger as he saw his past self standing there smirking and he goes to walk towards him but Viki stopped him. "The Organization's been using hearts. Ones Xehanort got to in the past and has influence over. So, that must be you when Ansem had control of your heart", Mickey explained to Riku. "Yeah, how can I forget?", Riku said as he remembers what he did in the past when Ansem took over his heart and he felt Viki squeeze his shoulder. "I say that was our finest hour", Dark Riku said after he chuckled. "Wrong. My hour of weakness", Riku said and steps forward. "You sure? How about we find out?!", Dark Riku asked him as he raised his keyblade and gets into a fighting stance, huge amounts of darkness radiated off of him. Some of the darkness raises up into the air in the form of Xehanort and it looms over the guardians of light. "A real test for the Mark of Mastery!", Dark Riku shouted and Viki glares at him. "What did you say?!", She asked him and she saw Xigbar walk out of the darkness. "We gotta make sure you're not blundering your way towards a second failure", he said with a smirk. "Blundering? I'll have you know we failed with style, chief", Axel said. "At least you admit it. Well, if you guardians think you brought the goods, you'll have to prove it to the old man one last time", Xigbar explained to them and placed his hand on Dark Riku's shoulder. "Kid, take it away", he told him then he disappeared within the darkness. Dark Riku smirked towards the others then he yelled as more darkness gets lifted into the air, the dark form of Xehanort fades away only to be replaced by some spiraling towers of heartless. "This again?" Sora asked as he and the others summoned their keyblades to fight.

Sora, Viki, Riku, Kairi, Axel, Mickey, Aqua, and Ventus had made it past the huge horde of heartless, unversed, and nobodies with the help of Master Yen Sid, Donald, and Goofy who both stayed behind. The rest of the guardians of light were now in a maze that Xehanort made to test them, everyone else split up while Viki and Sora stayed together. "Are you ready to end this?", Sora asked her sister and she nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm ready", she said and he smiled. The siblings faced forward and ran deep into the maze, as they ran deep into the maze, an orb of light floats down from the sky and wonders around the maze. It floats into one of the walls and it appears inside a dark room where a floating female body was being hidden. "Finally, I will now help my friends and end this war", a voice said which came from the orb as it floats towards the body and it goes into the girl's chest. The darkness that surrounded the body vanished along with the darkness that was inside the body, the girl then stands on her feet and her eyes opened. 

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