Chapter 37

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Terra looked down at his hands to see he was back then he quickly runs over to his friends. "Aqua! Ven! Alexis!", he said as he made it over and kneels down, lifting Ventus up. Aqua sits up slowly and looks at him. " it really you?", she asked as she moved closer and he looked at her. "Yeah. You never stopped lighting my way back", he said and Aqua smiled, tearing up a bit. "You're here..." Ventus said and both Terra and Aqua looked down at him. "I heard you too, Ven. You found me, just like you promised", Terra said as he teared up and all three hugged each other, crying quietly in happiness since they were together again. Viki smiled at them then she looked over to see Vanitas was helping Alexis to stand, she looked really weak. Terra, Aqua, and Ventus separated from the hug and went over to the two. "Alexis", Terra said as he gently held her hands and she looks at him, smiling softly. "Terra, you came back", she said as she tears up and he hugs her, which she hugged him back. Viki walks over to them. "Aqua, Ventus, and Alexis need rest. Terra, Vanitas, look after them", she said to them, both the boys nodded and she heads off. "No Viki. I'm going to", Ventus said as he stood and tries to catch up to her but stumbles over. Aqua was quick enough to catch him and Viki stopped, she turns to look at him. "That's what he wants, for us to make a mistake. Put ourselves in danger", she explained to him and Alexis steps up. "Viki, go. We'll catch up", she said to her, Viki nodded to ran off.

"Riku! Your majesty!", Sora called after he and Viki made it to the top of a large stone wall and ran over to their friends, once they made it over to them a cloud of dust blows at them. They all covered their eyes and they put their arms down once the dust cloud disappeared, Ansem, Xemnas, and young Xehanort walked towards them and on top of a large rock, pillar stood Xehanort smirking down at them. "Xemnas! Where's Kairi?", Sora asked as he ran up and gets into his fighting stance. "Wait! Is she in trouble?", Riku asked him, Viki was now concerned about her friend. "Yeah, Xemnas took her", he said and gets very angry, he hated that they took away the one he cared very deeply about. Sora, Viki, Riku, and Mickey then looked up to hear Xehanort chuckle. "Settle down, boy", he said and Sora gets angrier. "It's Sora!", he shouted at him, to which he simply chuckled again. "The thirteen darknesses and seven lights have clashed night times, yielding these nine keys", Xehanort said then he waved his hand, where nine keyblades that looked like his own appeared around him. "Keys?", Mickey asked, confused. "We are four short, but those four keys will be produced here and now", he said and Viki steps up. "Yeah, sure, and what makes you think there'd ever be any way we'd help you with that?", she asked him and he just smirked. "You forgot I plan for every eventuality", he said and Sora's eyes widened a bit. "Kairi", he said then Riku walks up and stands beside Viki. "If you do summon Kingdom Hearts, we will defeat you and we will close it again", he said. "Perhaps. That is if you survive that long", Xehanort said with a smirk and Sora, Viki, Riku, and Mickey knew that they had to take on Ansem, Young Xehanort, and Xemnas before they could take on Xehanort. "Let's do this", Viki said and the guys nodded, getting into their fighting stances, the fight then began. Mickey fought off Xemnas, Sora fought off Young Xehanort, and Viki and Riku fought off Ansem. As they fought, Xehanort sent some old keyblades at the guardians of light to distract them and make them lose. They all dodged the keyblades but Viki ends up getting swept up by them. She gets lifted into the air then the keyblades vanished and she was falling to the ground. She quickly used a glide spell so she can get to the ground safely but, Ansem appeared in front of her and shoots a dark fireball at her. Viki quickly blocks the attack with her keyblade but the force made her hit the ground hard, where she groans a bit and stands back up. "You okay?", Riku asked as he ran over and she nodded. "Even after all these years, you two still stand by each other's side", Ansem said as he floated in the air near them and they looked at him. "What's it to you?", Viki asked and Ansem smirked. "Need I remind you of the pain he caused? How he pushed you away when he needed you the most? Why would you care about a person, who didn't care about you in the first place?", he asked her and she glanced down a bit, why did she fall for Riku? "The reason why I love Riku is that even if he didn't care about me before, he didn't give up on returning home with me and my friends. I don't care what you say to make me rethink my choices, but I will never stop loving him", Viki said and charged at him, slashing her keyblade at him.

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