Chapter 27

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"Okay, there's a lot of them", Go-Go said as she, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred, Sora, Viki, Donald, Goofy, and Baymax stood on top of the building and looked at the large sphere made of Darkcubes. "What do ya suppose they'll do?", Goofy asked, tilting his head and Wasabi looked at him. "I don't think we wanna find out", he said and Fred hops up. "I say we destroy this thing!", he said and Donald agreeing with him. "But without a strategy, we'll just be wasting our strength", Honey Lemon said and Viki nods. "She's right, we need to know where to strike to hurt this thing", she said as she looked at the block sphere then both her and Sora's AR device's screen glow a bit. "Sora! Viki! I got it! I'm sending you an AR software update. It will show you where the core is, the Darkcubes' weak point. I'm coming to help", Hiro said in the headpiece then both siblings flinched a bit when the screen flashed red a bit. "Huh? That's weird, is it busted?", Sora asked as he tapped his device then he looked to see a person wearing a black cloak walk towards them. "Hiro, who's that on the display?", he asked and Viki looked at the person. "That's not the display. He's really here", she said and grips her keyblade. "The black cloak...he's back?", Go-Go asked, thinking it was someone else. "Are you done messing around?", the cloaked person asked and Viki grips her keyblade more, recognizing the voice. "I know that voice," Sora said. "Wait. You...know this guy?", Wasabi asked, looking at him. The cloaked figure took off the hood and it was revealed to be Riku. Sora was surprised and dismissed his keyblade. "Riku...But...", he started to say but was stopped when Viki walked forward and glared at Riku. "This isn't the real Riku Sora, this is a replica", she said and Replica Riku smirked. "Viki, it's good to see you again", he said and she rolled her eyes. "I would say the same, but I won't. Now, why are you back?", she asked and points her keyblade at him. Replica Riku then makes a card appear in his hand and looks at it. "Let's just say I was assigned to a stupid experiment", he said, staring at the card. "How did he get that?", Hiro asked from the headset. "Hiro, do you recognize it?", Sora asked him. "Yeah...That's the first chip I made for Baymax. It's full of combat programs", Hiro explained and his friends were shocked. "Programs?", Viki asked. "Yeah, they tell Baymax how to react", he said. "Does that's like his heart?", Goofy asked. "Kinda...", Donald said and Replica Riku turns towards the Darkcubes and tossed the card into it. A dark corridor then appears underneath him and Viki ran towards him. "Get back here!", she yelled but before she could catch him, he vanished. She gets mad but then looks up to see the sphere turn into the squid thing again.

Everyone was back at the garage, all upset after what had happened. "So, his name is Riku? And you two know him?". Hiro asked, breaking the silence and looked at the siblings. "Yeah...Well, we know a 'him'", Sora said. "That one was a fake", Donald said, stomping his foot. "The fake one's with Organization 13, our arch-nemesis", Goofy said then Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Go-Go asked them what the fake Riku was doing and how he got Hiro's card. "He said they're trying to recreate a heart from data, but I don't know what they really want. None of us do. These guys, when they show up instead of fighting fair and square, instead they go for the heart and say things to try and get understand your skin. They're cowards and now. They're doing it to you too. It's our fault", Sora said and looked down, Viki, Donald, and Goofy doing the same. "No, this could be good. That chip might finally be able to give me some answers", Hiro said and looks at them. "You said you made it, right?", Viki asked him and he nodded. "Yeah. This Baymax-he's actually the second model", Hiro said then started to explain about the first model of Baymax and about the chip he made. The ground then shakes and they all head out to end this fight.

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