Chapter 15

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"Where are we?", Sora asked as he helped Viki up onto her feet and the two looked around, seeing that they weren't in the mini video game store anymore. "Haven't you heard? In this world, you're both from a video game. So now, you can watch my experiment from inside the screen. That is... if you manage to find a moment's rest", Xehanort explained to them from the other side of the screen before disappearing. Three possessed robots started to move towards the siblings. "There's got to be a way out of here. Buzz, Woody, hang on", Sora said then the two siblings used the mechs as they did before to defeat the possessed ones. Sora and Viki then hopped out of the screen, managing to find a way out and had defeated the possessed robots. "Sora! Viki!", Donald and Goofy said as they walked over to them and the siblings smiled at their friends. "Where's Buzz?", Viki asked and they explained to the siblings that Buzz went through a dark corridor then Sarge tells them that he spotted a shadowy portal in the Kids Corral. Sora, Viki, Woody, Donald, and Goofy then headed off to rescue Buzz.

"Buzz!", Woody, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy yelled after they ran through the dark corridor then they ran towards Buzz, who was lifted in the air by darkness. Xehanort then appeared before them. "What do you want with my friend?", Woody asked him in anger. "Look...such tremendous darkness. All because he was ripped away from the boy who cares about him most", Xehanort said as he glanced at Buzz then back at the group. "Does that mean..we'll head up like Buzz? If...we don't find Andy?", Woody asked as he started to doubt and the darkness started to surround him, but Sora and Viki stepped up. "Wrong! Distance doesn't matter. Andy's part of their hearts, just like mine and Viki's friends are in our hearts", Sora explained as he and Viki stepped up in front of Woody and looked at Xehanort. "You can't rip that apart", Viki said and Donald and Goofy agreed. Woody was surprised by their speech then he looked at the bottom of his boot to see Andy's name on it then he looked at Buzz, mostly at the bottom of his shoe, and saw the same thing. "What? 'Your friends are your power?' Ah... how very true. But if the light of friendship is a form of power the darkness of being alone is power from much greater. Darkness is the heart's true nature", Xehanort explained to them as he lifted Buzz into the air then Woody stepped up between the two siblings. "Whatever you're talking about, I don't care. Put Buzz back the way he was, then get lost", he said. "Or else what, toy?", Xehanort asked, raising his eyebrow. " Yeah, I am a toy and a friend. My guess is no one's ever loved you before. Because you know nothing about hearts and love", Woody explained as he took a few steps towards Xehanort, and the darkness was pushed away as he took each step, Sora and Viki joined Woody. "There are hearts all around us, trying to connect. Your 'loneliness' only made Woody and Buzz's connection stronger. That's the heart's true nature, to never, ever let go. Wherever they are, Andy and the other toys haven't let go either", Sora explained as he, Woody, and Viki stepped closer towards Xehanort, the darkness getting more pushed back from them. "Yeah! You can't keep us from Andy. We're going home no matter what and taking Buzz", Woody said then the darkness started to rise in front of them. "Xehanort, you're so caught up finding the shadows, you forgot about the light that cast them", Viki said then a stream of light shoots through the darkness and up towards Buzz, turning him back to normal. Xehanort did run away and everyone got back to the entrance of the store after they saved Buzz. The four said goodbye to their new friends then got on their ship and went to the next world that needed saving.

((Sorry that the ending of this chapter was so fast and kinda short but, the reason was that I wanted to go ahead and start the next chapter when they get to the world where Monster Inc is because I have a surprise for you guys))

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