The End

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The war was now over and everyone went back to their homes. Viki sat by the ocean on Destiny Island where she, Riku, Kairi, and Sora returned to and she stared out at the ocean. She was happy that they wouldn’t fight any more darkness, but she couldn’t help but feel something else was going to happen. Something much bigger was going to arrive. “Heads up!”, a voice called and Viki turns her head then quickly ducked as a frisbee came flying at her. “Watch it Axel!”, she shouted and looks over at the redhead as he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. Everyone was now hanging out at the island. Roxas, Terra and Vanitas were chasing each other while Ventus, Saix, and Axel played frisbee. Xion was showing Namine some seashells while Hayner, Pence, and Olette were making sandscapes along with Donald and Goofy. Mickey and Aqua talked and Alexis just watched everyone have fun, she was still a bit down after Xehanort had passed. No one would blame here since even if he had done all those things in the past, she still loved him. Lucky, she had Terra, Aqua, Ventus, and Vanitas therewith her so she wasn’t alone. Everyone was also getting used to the fact that Vanitas was good now but, they slowly warmed up to him.  “You okay?”, a voice asked and Viki looked to see Mickey walking over to her and she nodded a bit. “I’m just happy that the war is over your majesty”, she said and he gives her a small smile. “During the battle, I saw how you and Riku fought off Ansem. You two both fought for your love for each other”, he said and Viki nodded, smiling a bit. “Well, I have a surprise for you”, Mickey said as he takes her hand and leads her down a familiar path. Viki followed Mickey even tho she was a bit confused. ‘A surprise? What did the king get her?’, Viki asked herself mentally and Mickey stopped in front of the secret place. “Your surprise is in here”, he said before walking back to the others, leaving Viki more confused. She looked at the entrance of the cave before taking a deep breath and walked inside. The secret place hadn’t changed that much after all these years, the drawings they drew as kids were still on the walls. The drawing of Sora and Kairi giving each other a paopu fruit when out of the corner of her eye and she smiled a bit. She then saw some candles on the ground near where the old door was. “Huh?” she asked confused and when she walked closer to the candles, her eyes widened in surprise. There were more candles and it spelt out ‘Would you marry me Viki?’. She was shocked then turns around to see Riku down on one knee and was holding up a ring. “Well Viki?”, he asked with a smile and Viki tears up. “Yes, Yes I will marry you”, she said and Riku smiled more, he stood up straight and slips the finger onto her finger. The two then embraced into a hug as their friends stood at the entrance of the cave, watching them. Sora was happy that his little sister was happy being with Riku, in the past he was a bit unsure since Riku was his best friend and he didn’t know if he would hurt her. But, he was wrong. Riku would protect Viki with all his life as she would protect him from the darkness. The two were made for each other. 

((Thank you all for reading my fanfic. I will be writing more about how Viki and her friends started their journey and how Viki and Riku became lovers. I will also be writing a fanfic on Alexis and the trails she and her friends went through. See you all next time and remember: May your heart be your guiding key.))

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