Chapter 32

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Today was the day, the day that light and dark clash on a scared battlefield, and the guardians of light will face Xehanort for the final time. Sora, Viki, Riku, Kairi, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy walked across the dirt and dust-covered valley laid, almost all around them, were old keyblades that were once wielded by previous wielders of light. "It's time. The Keyblade Graveyard is up ahead" Mickey said and everyone else nodded, but Sora when he noticed something. "Someone's coming", he said and Viki looked to see someone walking towards them. The dust cleared to reveal Master Xehanort walking towards them, with his arms behind his back and a sly smirk on his face. "Legend has it that darkness once covered the world. We only know so little about the Keyblade War- only that it was the beginning. If ruins bring about creation, what, then, would another Keyblade War bring? When the darkness falls, will we be found worthy of the precious light that legend speaks of?", Xehanort explained to them then beside him on his right, Ansem appears. "Or will all of creation be instead returned to the shadows? Today, we will recreate the legend and see", he said and smirks, causing Viki and Riku to glare at him. Then, Xemnas appears on Xehanort's left. "But first...your light shines too brightly. It must be extinguished in order for the truth to be seen", he said then in front of the three, Young Xehanort and Vanitas appeared. "Only when your hopes have been broken by battle upon battle can the key be claimed by Kingdom Hearts", Vanitas explained and Young Xehanort smirks. "And break you is what we shall do. It has been etched", he said and Viki grits her teeth in anger. "Viki, let me be in control. I want to speak with my father", Alexis said inside Viki's head and that caught her by surprised a bit. "Are you sure?", she asked and it was like she felt Alexis smile. "Trust me", she said and Viki nods a bit then closed her eyes. "So what if it had been etched, that doesn't mean we could change our density", a voice said and Xehanort looked at Viki then his eyes widened a bit, seeing that Viki's eyes were green...just like his daughter's. "So, this is where your heart has been hiding all these years, my young warrior", he said with a smirk, using the old nickname he gave Alexis when she was younger. "Father, this has to stop. This dream of yours to open Kingdom Hearts is foolish and you know it. What you have put me through in the past I will never forgive you for, you took everything from me. You took away my home, you took away my friends, you took away my master, and worse of took Terra away from me", Alexis/Viki said as she remembers all the struggles she had faced in the past and all the pained it caused her. "My daughter, this dream has been your density since birth", Xehanort said simply then darkness started to radiate off of him and his other selves, causing the area around the light wielders to grow dark. Above them, from the sky rained down hundreds or thousands of heartless/ "Look at how many there are!", Sora said, surprised to see so many heartless at once. "Okay gang, get ready", Mickey said as he summoned his keyblade and the others did the same, seeing heartless, nobodies, and unversed have now surrounded them. Viki had control of her body again and summoned her keyblade as well, the wielders of light fight off the horde of darkness as a team.

"Is everyone okay?", Mickey asked everyone and they all nodded. After they had fought off the horde of darkness, they regrouped to continue on their journey. "C'mon, let's go", Sora said and everyone nodded in agreement but, Viki felt something and looks over. The dust that had been kicked up due to the fight cleared away a bit to reveal a tall figure whose head was hanging down low. "Terra!", Ventus yelled and ran towards the man and Aqua followed after him. "Viki, something isn't right", Alexis said and Viki was confused. "What do you mean? Terra is back so that's a good thing, isn't it?", she asked her than Alexis went quiet for a bit, only for Viki to feel Alexis's heart start to beat faster. "Viki, that isn't Terra", she said and Viki looked just to see Terra's hair change from brown to silver. "He is their thirteenth" Mickey said as Terra lifted his head and opened his eyes, which were once blue now were gold. "Today is the day you all lose", he said with a smirk and Aqua glares at him. "Before you even face the thirteen, every last one of you will be torn heart from body. But fear not, the x-blade will still be forged", he said with a smirk and Xehanort's keyblade appears in his hand." We're not going to lose to you", Sora said with seriousness in his tone. Terra just smirks then he vanished, only for him to appear in front of Ventus, his keyblade raised to slash at him.

((And I will leave this on a cliffhanger because I am now snuck. I want you guys to decide if I should do the part where Terranort strikes everyone done or go straight to when the Lingering Will appears to kick his butt. The choice is yours))

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