Chapter 4

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"Gawrsh, we forgot to fill Master Yen Sid in on what happened. Should we go back?", Goofy asked as he, Sora, Viki, and Donald walk around in Twilight Town. "Typical Sora", Donald said. "You mean about Maleficent, Pete, and Xigbar? No, I don't want to stress them out more", Sora said and Viki rolled her eyes. Suddenly her phone rings, causing them to stop walking and look at Viki. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with you guys", she said and the boys nodded their heads before walking ahead. Viki pulls out her gummi phone and answers the call. "Hey Viki", Kairi said with a smile as she came on screen and Viki smiled back. "Hey Kairi, how's it going?", she asked her friend as she walked over to a bench and sat down on it. "I'm doing great, I can summon a keyblade", she said and shows Viki her keyblade. "Wow, that's great Kairi. How's Axel doing?", Viki asked. She remembered Axel from when Sora was in a deep sleep and she helped Riku wake him up. She bumped into Axel and the two fought for a while before becoming friends before he was defeated. "He's doing okay but, I think he remembered something", Kairi said in a worried tone. "Why do you say that?", Viki asked and listened to Kairi as she explained what had happened after she and Axel summoned their keyblades and was surprised. "Wow, that is pretty shocking", Viki said and Kairi nodded in agreement. "Kairi, we should get back to training", a voice said from Kairi's end of the call and Viki sees the certain redhead walking over to her friend and was surprised to see who was on the screen. "Viki?", Axel asked surprised and Viki giggled a bit before waving. "Hey Axel", she said and he smiled. "Hey Viki, I'm surprised you remember me after so long", he said. "Of course I remember you, I got it memorized", she said, pointing to her head and making Axel chuckle. Viki looked up to hear someone call her name then looks back at her phone. "I better get going before Sora starts panicking", Viki said and the three friends said their goodbyes before she hung up and puts her phone back in her pocket before running to where she heard her name be called.

After catching up with Hayner, Pence, and Olette, the four wandered into the forest to look for signs of Roxas when they stumbled upon a trail of fruits leading to a tree. "What's that?", Donald asked and Goofy looked up the tree. "Heartless!", he shouted. "What do you think they're up to?", Sora asked and Viki looked closely at the tree then was surprised to see a sacred little rat on a tree branch. "Look! On that branch. The Heartless have him surrounded", Viki said, pointing up to the rat. "Oh no!", Sora said. "Let's help", Donald said and the others agreed as they summoned their weapons and got the attention of the Heartless, who jumped down from the tree. They fought off the Heartless and succeeded but Viki didn't see a Heartless jumping towards her from behind. "Viki look out!", Sora shouted and Viki turned around but before the Heartless could hurt her, a red beam shot down from somewhere at the Heartless, defeating it. "Whoa", Viki said and then looked down to see the rat running over to them. "Well, take care", Sora said to the rat and he, Viki, Donald, and Goofy walked away to continue on their quest. But then, Sora turned back around and walked towards the fruit. "Are you okay?", Donald asked Sora as he bent down and picked up an apple. "Lookie! That little feller's parked on your head", Goofy said and Viki saw that the rat they saved was indeed on her brother's head and she watched as the rat makes Sora turn around. "Huh?", Sora asked and he felt his hair being tugged. "Would you cut that-", Sora started to say but was stopped when the rat made him pick up another apple. "Sora, you've been hijacked", Donald said. "You know, maybe he wants you to pick up the fruit for him", Goofy said, which makes the rat perk up and nod. "Okay, that's fine. But I can do it myself", Sora said and the small blue rat ran off of his head and onto one of the apples he was holding. "I just need to collect the fruit?", Sora asked and the rat nodded his head. "Right then", Viki said and they all started to pick up the fruit for the little rat. They soon finished picking up the fruit and they headed to the Haunted Mansion to look for Roxas after they said goodbye to the rat.

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