Chapter 28

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It was the final showdown and while Sora, Donald, Goofy, Hiro, Baymax, Go-Go, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred fought off the evil Baymax, Viki was fighting off the clone Riku. Both were fighting on top of a building and their keyblades clashed, Riku pushed Viki back making her slide back a bit. "You still don't know when to give up, do you?", Riku asked and Viki stands up straight. "No, I don't", she said then her keyblade glows a light blue as she casts Glacier, making snow spins around Riku and Viki swings her keyblade at him. Riku grunts as he got hit and Viki kicks him, making him fall over onto his butt. "Give up?", she asked and points her keyblade at him. Riku smirks and chuckles as he stands back up, moving her keyblade to the side. "Not quite", he said then a ball of darkness appears in his hand and he shoved it into her chest, making her yell in pain. The pain was too much and Viki stumbles back, holding her chest. Riku smirks more then pushed Viki, making her fall back and fall towards the ground.

Viki slowly opens her eyes as she sits up slowly, rubbing her head. She looks around to see she was back on the gummi ship, she then slowly stands up. "What happened?", she asked herself then she walks off the ship to see she was...home? She looks around to see the familiar trees and waves, why was she back home? "Viki...", a voice said softly and she looked around. "Hello?", she asked and the same voice said her name again, this time a bit longer. She then followed the voice towards where the secret place was and she looked at it. "Save my friend Viki....", the voice said and Viki thinks it was Ventus talking but, it didn't sound like it. It sounded more like a female was talking to her. Was this the second heart that was in her own heart? She placed a hand on her chest and closed her eyes, feeling the energy from the heart that spoke to her. She then puts her hand out and a keyblade forms in her hand. She opens her eyes and was surprised to see a different keyblade in her hand now, it was white and blue and the blade looked like it made of flowers and vines. The handle was a heart and had wing-like features on the sides. She then noticed the keychain, it was a crescent moon. "Use my keyblade to go to the realm of your brother and my friend from the darkness....", the voice said to her and Viki grips the keyblade, feeling determined. "I will", she said then walks towards the secret place. 

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