Chapter 20

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Donald and Goofy worked together to take down two heartless while Sora and Viki worked together to defeat a heartless and soon, the group of heartless were defeated. A cold breeze went by, causing both siblings to shiver and rub their arms to get themselves warm. "It's cold! Donald, give us some coats!", Sora called out as he pulls Viki close to him to keep her warm and Viki hugged him tightly. "The magic doesn't work that way", Donald said, looking at the shivering siblings and Goofy stepped up. "Guess they're too used to the beach", he said, laughing a bit. "Hey, islanders, what can we say? Look! Even the sea's turning into", Viki said, defending herself and Sora then she looked over at a kingdom near where they were and saw that the water was turning into ice. "Donald, this isn't your magic is it?", Sora asked him, which he shook his head no and they all decided to go investigate.

They soon met Elsa, the queen of Arendelle and she was the reason why the sea turned to ice because she had magic to control snow and ice. She was scared because of her powers which caused her to run away from her kingdom and her people. The gang even met Larxene, member of Organization 13, and found out that they were going after Elsa so the gang went to go find Elsa before the Organization did. When the gang found her, they all watched in awe as she sang and made a castle out of the ice. "Wow. I don't know what we just saw", Sora said, still amazed by what they saw. "Let's go say hi", Viki said then walks towards the steps but, was stopped by Larxene. "Please don't tell me you're spying on her now", she asked them then Viki gives her a look. "Don't turn this around on us. You're following her", she said and Larxene pretends to be surprised. "Ooh, look at you get all sassy. Okay, I'll admit Elsa is a person of interest to us. Maybe she's one of the seven pure lights we need, the New Seven Hearts. Gotta make sure though. Fortunately, we're in the best position to tell. Can't pick out that 'special glimmer' unless you're standing in the shadows. Ad maybe...Elsa doesn't have it. I mean, just look how icy her palace is made of magic she forced herself to keep hidden until now. What if it's dark magic?", Larxene explained to them and Sora steps up. "Elsa would never rely on the darkness!", he yelled and Viki placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Actually, it's still too early to call. Depends on how she sees it. If she believes her magic is darkness, that's what it will become. Accepting her power, whatever it is, is the only way she can set her heart free. So, what will Elsa accept? Light or darkness? I know I wanna know!", she said to them and Viki glared a bit at her. "Well, good for you, but guess what? We won't let her fall to darkness! she said to her. "It's her choice to make, not yours. You know, I'm starting to understand why she gave you both the cold shoulder", Larxene said as she raised her hand, which sparked with lighting, and points it at them, sending a blast of wind at them. The gang started to slide back due to how strong the wind was and Viki fights against it to get to Larxene. "You wanna help her? Then stop trying to be her hero! Let her figure things out her way!", Larxene said then shoots lightning at them, causing them to fly off the mountain.      

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