Chapter 30

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Viki, Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked around inside of the castle that Aqua took them to since this is where she hid Ventus from Xehanort. They walked down the long hallway and Viki felt her heart race a bit, she didn't know if it was Ventus or that second person that was making her heart race. 'Maybe they both missed this place', Viki thought to herself as she and the others reached a large room with three thrones, one of the thrones sat Ventus still sound asleep. Aqua rushed over to him and tries to wake him up, but no luck. "Why? Your heart never found its way home?", Aqua asked then she noticed something in his hand, in his hand was a white star-shaped charm. "That was a neat trick. No wonder no one could find him", a voice said and Sora, Viki, Goofy, and Donald turned around to see Vanitas walk up. "Vanitas!" Sora said then gets into his fighting stance, his sister and friends doing the same, and Aqua rushed over. "Why are you here?" she asked him, glaring a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your touching reunion but, surely you won't begrudge me a moment with my brother?" Vanitas asked and Sora, Viki, Goofy, and Donald summoned their weapons and charged at him, only for him to teleport past them. Viki stopped and turned around just in time to see Vanitas vanished, which caused her and the others to look around. "So, Venty-Wenty wants to keep sleeping? What am I ever going to do with you?", Vanitas asked as they looked to see him sitting on top of the throne Ventus was sitting on and Aqua grew mad. "Shut up", she said as she summoned to her keyblade and jumped up to attack him, only for him to summon his and blocked her attack. "You better settle down, 'Master'", he said as he pushed her back using his blade and he jumped after her. Both landed on the ground. "Aqua, we'll handle him", Viki said as she stepped up but Aqua stopped her. "No, I'm ending this", she said and Sora stepped up. " haven't recovered yet", he said, getting worried. "Sorry, but you've seen me too weak, too often. Now, it's my turn to shine", she said then a forcefield dome appears around her and Vanitas, preventing Sora, Viki, Goofy, and Donald from entering. "Aqua!", both siblings yelled but, Aqua and Vanitas started to fight. After the fight, Vanitas threw fireballs at the dome towards where Ventus was and the fireballs made the dome crack a bit. He threw another one but Aqua was quick enough to block the attack, but with her own body and it caused her to get knocked down. "Aqua!", Viki yelled then she felt something in her heart which caused her to freeze and her eyes closed. Viki finds herself floating above a stained glass circle which had her younger self on it, holding her keyblade. Around her were small pictures of Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy. "I....have to wake up...", a voice said and she recognized it to be Ventus. "I know, but how? Sora doesn't have the power of waking", she said and she heard another voice, this time it was the female. "He never lost sleeps...until someone needs it...he has to call to it...", she explained and Viki felt Sora's presentence inside her. "I am calling...with all my heart", he said then he uses the power of waking to unlock Ventus's heart so he may return to his body. "Thank you for always keeping me safe, Viki", Ventus said and she smiled softly. "You're welcome, Ventus", she said and watched as his heart leaves hers and the female voice returns. "Viki, once you all return to Master Yen Sid's tower with Ventus I will have to speak to everyone through your body. There's an important message I must tell them", she explained and Viki was surprised. "How would you do that?", she asked and she heard the voice giggle a bit. "You will see", she said then it went silent. Viki opened her eyes to see where Ventus sat, there was a strong glow of light and it shot at the dome, which caught Vanitas's attention and stopped him from ending Aqua. The glow of light went through the dome and towards him. "Aqua!", Ventus shouted as he flew towards Vanitas and swung his keyblade at him, which Vanitas blocked with his own and it caused a huge blast of light and dark to appear. The force of the blast was strong enough to shatter the dome and pieces of it fell to the ground. Vanitas noticed he was outnumbered and jumped back, landing a few feet away from them. "Four guardians are more than I care to face. But now that my brother is awake...I'm just certain he'll come to visit. Also, I'm sure his older sister would love to hear about this", he said as a dark corridor appears around him and he disappeared within it.

"Now, we are all assembled", Master Yen Sid said as he sat in his chair and inside his room stood Sora, Kairi, Riku, Viki, Axel, Ventus, Aqua, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, all were ready to end this battle. "First: Sora, Viki, Riku, Donald, Goofy, Mickey, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done and you, Aqua and Ventus, we are fortunate to have you back", Master Yen Sid said and Aqua nods. "Thanks, I only wish we could have returned to help sooner. We are grateful to all of you for recusing us", she said and looks at Sora, Viki, Riku, Mickey, Goofy, and Donald and Ventus nods in agreement. "I feel bad for letting you guys down. We tried, but we couldn't find Terra or Alexis", Mickey said and frowns a bit. "I wish to speak with them now", the voice said inside Viki's head and she nods a bit. Viki then clears her throat, which got the other's attention and they all looked at her. "Actually, I did find Alexis", she said and everyone was shocked. "You did? Where is she?", Ventus asked as he stepped forward and Viki placed a hand on her heart. "She's inside my heart and she wants to talk to you all", she said and Sora was confused. "Huh? How will she be able to do that?", he asked then Viki closed her eyes when she opened them again her eyes were green instead of blue. "Like this Sora", Alexis's voice said through Viki, which caught everyone by surprise. "Alexis? Is it really you?", Aqua asked and she looks at her, smiling softly. "Yes Aqua, it really is me", she said and Aqua was speechless. "The reason why I am speaking through Viki is that I bring horrible news", she said. "What is the horrible news you want to tell us?", Axel asked and Alexis/Viki sighs a bit. "My father has managed to find my body and is trying to wake me up so he can use me to open Kingdom Hearts", she said and everyone was shocked by this news. "Wait? Your father found you, does that mean...?", Kairi started to ask and Master Yen Sid nodded. "Alexis is the daughter of Master Xehanort", he said and everyone was completely shocked.

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