Chapter 33

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"Viki quick block his attack!", Alexis screamed in Viki's head and it was like on command, Viki rushed forward and blocks Terranort's attack with her keyblade. "Why you!", he yelled as he grabbed her by the shirt and tossed her aside, making her land on her side and she groans in pain. "Ven!", Aqua shouted and Viki looks to see Terranort had slashed Ventus and he was now laying on the ground, not moving. "No...", Alexis said sadly in Viki's head and she watched as Axel blocked an attack from Terranort when he tried to hit Kairi, only for Axel to be sent flying back and hitting his back against a rock very hard. "That's it!", Alexis said in anger and Viki felt her take control of her body fully and she stood back up. Viki's keyblade changed into Alexis's keyblade and she charged forward at lightning speed. Sora ran over and hugs Kairi, waiting to take the blow to protect her but it never came. He then looked to see his sister standing in front of him and Kairi, a different keyblade in her hand and she had blocked Terranort's attack. "This ends now", Alexis/Viki said and Sora understood that she was in control now. "You", Terranort said in shock, and Alexis/Viki pushed him back, making him slide back. He then smirks and grips his keyblade. "I knew one day we would fight again", he said and Alexis/Viki glared at him, gritting her teeth. "Shut up", she said and charged at him, slashing her keyblade to laid a hit on him. He blocked each of her swings and attacked her as well, Sora was in shock to see how powerful their attacks were. Terranort then jumps back and lands on his feet, Alexis/Viki goes to attack him once more only to be picked up a tall heartless guardian with tape over its mouth and the tape formed an X. "Let me go!", she said then yells in pain as the guardian started to send waves of darkness into her, the pain was unbearable. "Viki!", Sora shouted and he saw Riku, Goofy, and Donald rush forward towards them. Goofy jumped up and hits the heartless in the face using his shield, making it drop Viki and Riku caught her in his arms. Donald then closed his eyes as a large symbol appears below his feet and he grips his staff. Mickey gasps in surprise as he watched and Goofy lands back on his feet. "Donald, don't!", he yelled at his friend, but he ignored him. "Zettaflare!", Donald yelled as he points his staff at Terranort and the heartless and a large beam of fire straight at them, making them both fly back and vanished. Viki groans in pain as she clutched her chest and everything around her was blurry and her ears were ringing, the pain from the darkness was still there. She could feel the darkness creep towards her heart and she knew that if it enters her heart, it's game over. She felt Riku lay her down on the ground and she could see a blurry Sora kneel down beside her, she could see his lips were moving but she couldn't hear anything. She then feels the ground shake and she saw a huge tower of heartless form a few feet away from them. "Oh no....." Alexis said weakly and Viki watched as Sora, Riku, and Aqua walk towards the tower with their keyblades, but it was too late. The tower of the heartless soon turned into a large tornado and streams of heartless fly towards them. Each stream picks up everyone and Viki looks to see one coming right at her. She was picked up but it and she reached her hand out towards Riku, he reached his hand out towards her as well but, their hands just barely touched and Viki was taken away from him. The guardians of light have fallen....or have they?

Sora had finished saving Mickey's heart in Rapzenel's world from the Lich and soon went it with Jimmy, he was on a mission to save all his friend's hearts. He soon went into another world and saw he was back on Destiny Island. "Huh? I'm back home?", Sora asked, a bit confused and Jimmy hopped on his shoulder and looks around. "Look Sora", he said and points his umbrella, Sora looks over at what Jimmy was pointing at and saw that he was pointing at Viki, who was transparent and floating above the sand. Behind her was the Lich and it lifts it's staff up, where Viki's heart and another heart lifted out of her chest and both hearts were wrapped up in chains and disappeared. "That must have been Alexis's heart, but why was she still stuck in Viki's heart?", Sora asked Jimmy and he thinks. "Maybe it's because Alexis tired herself to Viki's heart when they both got swept into the darkness", he said and Sora was surprised. But now, it was time to save both of them. He grips his keyblade and charged towards the Litch to fight it off. After a while, he managed to defeat the Litch and it escaped, but it released Viki's and Alexis's hearts from the chains and both hearts floated up into the sky back to Viki's body. Sora smiled then he followed after the Litch to save the rest of his friends.

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