Chapter 39

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Riku and Sora watched in shock as Viki and King Mickey stuck frozen in the air and Xehanort used all thirteen keys to make the X-blade. “The X-blade is complete. Kingdom Hearts! I call upon your true form, open now, and show me the World to come”, Xehanort said as he pointed the key up towards Kingdom Hearts and a beam of darkness shoots up at it. Kingdom Heart’s golden color then slowly goes dark and dark fireballs come raining down. Sora couldn’t believe it and he looked down, they had failed. “Hey, don’t give up”, a voice said and he looked to see Donald and Goofy walking towards them. “We thought ya might be able to use a couple a’ more half pints”, Goofy said and Sora looks at them. “Donald...Goofy…”, he said and smiled a bit. “Now, let’s stop Master Xehanort”, Goofy said then Sora frowns. “Yeah...but...he controls Kingdom Hearts now and Alexis…”, he said then looks down, Goofy and Donald frowned. “You, worried?”, a voice asked and Sora looked up to see Roxas, Xion, Axel, Ventus, Vanitas, Aqua, and Terra walking over to them. “Guys”, Sora said, he was happy to see them. “Sorry we took so long, had a couple of plot points that needed ironing out”, Axel explained and Aqua and Terra looked up at the sky. “Master Xehanort…”, Terra said and Aqua steps up. “He did it. He opened Kingdom Hearts”, she said then Ventus looked around. “Wait, where’s Alexis?”, he asked and Riku sighs sadly. “She gave her life up to save Kairi”, he said and looks down at Kairi, who started to wake up and Sora kneeled down beside her. “So you mean Alexis is…”, Vanitas said and Riku nodded sadly, Vanitas looked down and Ventus placed his hand on his shoulder. “She knew what she had to do, even if it was the cost of her life”, Aqua said and Terra looked down a bit. “I just wished it didn’t have to come to it”, he said frowning. There was then a flash of blue light and they all looked up to see Mickey and Viki landing back on the ground, Riku quickly runs over and holds Viki close. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?”, he asked as he checked for any injuries and she stopped him. “Riku, I’m fine”, she said and he sighs in relief. “We still have one last hope”, Mickey said and Ventus looked at him. “What hope?”, he asked. “It’s Xehanort, During the Mark of Mastery, we learned that he can transcend space and time. He’s a portal and we can use that to trap him”, Viki explained and Mickey nodded in agreement. “But, it won’t be easy. Aqua, Riku, Viki, I’ll need both of your help if we’re gonna push Xehanort out of this world”, He said and the three nodded. “Wait, I’ll do it”, Sora said and Viki looked at her older brother in surprise. “What?”, she asked him. “Kingdom Hearts is a much bigger threat. Let me handle Xehanort...while you guys keep it shut”, Sora said and looked at everyone. “But Sora”, Kairi said and he smiled a bit. “It’s okay Kairi, I promise I will stay safe”, he said and gently holds her hand. She sighs a bit and nodded. “Okay”, she said and let go of his hand. “Sora”, Viki said and he turns to look at her only to get greeted by a tight hug. “I know we did everything together in the past, but right now it’s time for you to do things on your own”, She said and he smiled, hugging her back. “I thought I was the oldest sibling”, he teased and she giggles. “Says the guy who still acts like a child”, she said and the two let each other go. “Be safe”, Sora said in a serious tone and Viki nodded.

“Everyone, be strong!”, Mickey said and Riku, Viki, Kairi, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Terra, Aqua, Vanitas, and Ventus nodded, keeping their keyblades up towards Kingdom Hearts. They were keeping it stable while Sora, Donald, and Goofy went to stop Xehanort inside it. “So...if we don’t stop him, what happens?”, Axel asked and Aqua looked down a bit. “I don’t’s no question in my mind that that’s the true Kingdom Hearts. I can’t... imagine what’ll happen if he succeeds”, she said. “If we hold it back, it might vanish”, Ventus said and Vanitas looked at him. “Then Alexis would vanish as well”, he said. “Wait, why would Alexis vanish along with Kingdom Hearts?”, Kairi asked and Viki sighs. “It’s because her heart is the key to Kingdom Hearts, if it vanishes then Alexis would go with it”, she explained and Riku nodded. “When we faced off Xemnas in the past, Viki felt the urge to seal it away. We never could figure out why she wanted to but, now we know”, he said. “Only the power of x-blade can stop it, now with Alexis’s heart fused with it. I don’t know how we could close it”, Terra said. “We all need to trust Sora”, Riku said and everyone nodded, expect Xion. “Look”, she said and they all looked up to see Kingdom Hearts grow darker and it covers up the spots of light. But all but one, one spot of light still stayed. “Why is that light still there?”, Roxas asked and Viki looks at it. “It’s Alexis”, she said then noticed her keyblade still glowed while the other’s keyblades didn’t. “She’s found her way back to you”, Aqua said and both Ventus and Vanitas were surprised. Alexis was trying to get her way back to them. 

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