Chapter 38

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Young Xehanort fell to his knees after Sora had defeated him and he pants a bit before he started to chuckle. “What’s so funny?”, Sora asked and Viki watched as Young Xehanort stood up and looked at them. “I told you. There’s a high price to pay for all of this”, he said and Viki glares at him. “And what price would that be?”, she asked. “I will go back to my time and live out my life. But Sora, you’re done now. Your journey ends here”, Young Xehanort said and he started to fade away, this caught Sora by surprise. “What?” he asked him and Xehanort smirked. “Goodbye Sora, your this world is-”, he said but wasn’t happen to finish his sentence as he faded away and went back to his time. They all then fight off Ansem and Xemnas once again and they defeated Xemnas next. Xemnas looks at his hands and sighs. “Bested...yet again…” he said and Viki steps up. “I know you have a heart. What do you feel? Was it worth it?”, she asked him which caused him to look at her. “I feel...the emptiness where my companions once stood. I took them for granted. And now, I have...nothing. My first surge of emotion in years...for as long as I could remember...and it’s...loneliness. Do you see? A heart is just pain”, Xemnas said and turns away from them. “Pain is being human, Xemnas”, Viki said and placed a hand over her heart, Xemnas looks at her over his shoulder and smiled a tiny bit. “Really? It must take...incredible strength”, he said as he looked up at the sky and soon he faded away. After a while, they soon defeated Ansem. He gripped his chest and looked at his other hand as Riku stepped up. “Ansem…”, he said and Ansem glanced at him. “What...a journey you and I have had…” he said and Riku glanced down. “You know, it’s strange. I think I’m gonna miss you…”, he said and looks at his hand, Viki walks up beside Riku and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Your strength is vaster than darkness. I knew I never stood a chance. Part of me wanted to defy my fate...but when the others betrayed us, I found I did not care. And then, nothing else seemed to matter anymore”, Ansem explained and Viki felt bad for him. “Ansem…”, she said and he looked at her, only to smile. “What? It’s time to move on girl...There is more to go forth now, and seek it…”, he said and he then soon faded away. Viki and Sora looked at Riku to see he was okay, he looked at both of them and nodded.

“Twelve keys we have now. Leaving just one more!”, Xehanort said as he summoned his keyblade and looked down at Sora, Viki, Mickey, and Riku who were panting from the previous fight. He then points his keyblade up into the air, the tip of his keyblade formed a ball of darkness and a beam of darkness shoots up into the sky. The beam cleared away from clouds to reveal Kingdom Hearts, a golden light shines down on them all. “Now Sora, Viki. Darkness and Light’s final clash”, Xehanort said, Sora and Viki glared at him then both siblings gasped to see Kairi floating in the air in front of him. “Kairi!”, Sora shouted and Viki was shocked. “You require motivation”, Xehanort told him and Sora quickly runs forward to save her. Xehanort raised his keyblade and was about to slash Kairi’s back, when suddenly a blur of light shoots up and his attack was blocked. His eyes widened to see Alexis had blocked his attack, Sora made it up and he grabs Kairi. “Alexis, what are you doing?”, Xehanort asked him and she glares at him. “Finishing this war”, she said and Sora brings Kairi back back safely. Viki and Riku rushed over as Sora lays her on the ground and they look at her. “Is she okay?”, Riku asked and Viki checks her for injures. “She’s fine, my guess Xemnas knocked her out”, she said and boys sighed in relief. “Enough!”, Xehanort shouted which caused the three to look up as Xehanort knocks Alexis’s keyblade out of her hand and he raised his own. “Alexis!”, Viki shouted as she watched Xehanort slash Alexis’s chest, which caused the girl to gasp in pain and her eyes closed. She falls towards the ground, her body becoming transparent then just has she hits the ground, she had shattered into millions of pieces. “I have done it”, Xehanort said with a smirk. “Xehanort!!!”, Viki shouted as she runs up with her keyblade and jumps up to attack him. She swings her keyblade down, but only for one of the twelve keys to block her attack and push her away. “You’ll pay!”, Mickey shouted as he jumped up and points his keyblade at him. “Ultima!”, he shouted as he casted a spell. “Stopza!”, Xehanort shouted as a ball of darkness appears in his hand and both spells concluded, only for Xehanort’s spell to win. 

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