Chapter 10

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Viki then woke up to feel something wet on her face and slowly opened her eyes to see Maximus and Flynn looking down at her. "Viki!", Donald and Goofy said as they got close to her face and she sat up slowly. "Well, that did the trick. Nice work Max", Flynn said to Maximus, who smiled proudly then Sora hugged his dear sister, who gladly hugged him back. Viki then stood up on her feet and rubbed her head. "Huh? How did I end up...?", Viki asked then remembered something. "Oh no! Flynn, Rapunzel's being held prisoner!", she said to Flynn. "That's right, in her mother's tower. This calls for a rescue. Are you with me?", Flynn asked Viki and puts his hand out to her. She smiled and puts her hand in his and he helped her onto Maximus. "Let's go Max", Flynn said and Maximus neighed as he reared up and took off into the forest, Sora, Donald, and Goofy following them by running. They kept running in the forest then they soon stopped when Nobodies started to pop out, blocking their path. Sora, Donald, and Goofy caught up to them and summoned their weapons, seeing the Nobodies. Viki hopped off of Maximus and stood next to her brother, summoning her weapon. "We'll take it from here, Flynn. Go help Rapunzel", Sora said and Flynn nodded at him then he and Maximus took off passed the Nobodies to Rapunzel's tower to save her. The four then fought off the Nobodies, who were a bit stronger than before. Viki sliced through the last Nobody and panted a bit, getting a bot tired since she was still weak from the mist. "We better go and help Flynn", Sora said then they ran to where the tower was. They ran through the secret entrance and ran towards the tower and saw a black cloak fall from the tower window. They stopped when they see a black cloud of darkness from around the cloak then they summoned their weapons when from the dark cloud came a Heartless monster. They fight off the monster and win then they climb up the tower. When they reach the window, Sora and Viki were shocked when they see Flynn laying on the floor and Rapunzel was trying to heal him. She picked up his hand and placed it on her hair, which was now cut and brown. "Flower, gleam, and glow. Let your power shine, make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine", Rapunzel sang, trying to use her magic to heal then Flynn puts his hand on her cheek. "Hey Rapunzel", he said, getting her attention. "Rapunzel... you were my new dream", he said in pain and Rapunzel started to tear up. "And you were mine", she said and Flynn smiled sadly then closed his eyes, taking his final breath. Rapunzel then started to cry and held his hand. Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy watched the scene in sadness and Viki buried her face into her brother's shoulder, causing him to hold her close. "Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. What once was mine", Rapunzel sang as she closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against Flynn's. A tear from her eye falls onto Flynn's cheek and it disappeared into his cheek, glowing a bit then where his wound was started to glow brightly, getting the attention of Rapunzel, Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy. Golden streams of light swirl around the room and one swirl around Viki, before connecting to the heart tattoo on her chest, making it glow then disappeared. The glowing from Flynn's wound then disappeared and Rapunzel looked at Flynn, who started to wake up. "Rapunzel did I ever tell you... I'd got a thing for brunettes?", Flynn asked her, smiling a bit. "Eugene!", Rapunzel said in happiest then hugged him and he hugged her back. Sora, Viki, Donald, and Goofy smiled and hugged each other, happy that Flynn was alive.

They all climbed down the tower and went to say their goodbyes. "Wow, Rapunzel! You finally gonna get to see your real home", Sora said with a smile. "I know! I mean... I can't believe it. I can finally see my real family. I couldn't have done it without your help", Rapunzel said, looking at them. "Your welcome", Donald said, feeling happy. "Well, from where I'm standing, the Kingdom couldn't ask for a better princess. And I couldn't have asked for better sidekicks!", Flynn said. "Now, Flynn, you and Maximus play nice", Goofy said causing the two to look at each other then Rapunzel holds Flynn's hand and he smiled at her. "You're gonna be great", Viki said with a smile, making the two love birds look at her. "Huh?", Flynn asked confused. "We haven't seen the guy controlling the monsters in a while, so that's one less worry", Sora said then Goofy steps up. "But there still a chance that he might be around here somewhere", he said. "Well, if he comes back and tries to bother Rapunzel, then Flynn will keep her safe, and we four won't be far behind", Viki said, smiling proudly. "Come on. Rapunzel's the tough one if you ask me", Donald said. "True. But nevertheless. I won't let her out of my sights", Flynn said, putting a fist to his chest. "Oh Eugene", Rapunzel said with a smile, making Sora and Viki confused. "Eugene?", they asked the couple in unison. "Oh! That's my real name. Eugene Fitzherbert", Eugene said to them and Viki smiled. Rapunzel then walked over and pulled her aside to talk to her. "Viki, I just want to thank you for showing me that the world is beautiful and that I can be strong", she said and Viki smiled. "No problem Rapunzel, anything for a friend", she said, smiling still and Rapunzel smiled back then hugs her. Viki was surprised but hugged her back and smiled more. 

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